Capital Improvements 1996 to 2019 | Last Updated 25 Nov 2019

LISTING OF PROJECTS IN THE CITY'S CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BUDGET AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS - Data comes from annual Capital Budgets. Many projects are listed more than once, because they appeared in more than one budget report. It is best to use "Year 1" costs only for each respective budget year to avoid double counting or use of costs that later changed. Projects with no costs in Year 1 should usually be excluded, because they may have never come to fruition. There are also separate items for each project fund. Projects are not listed separately if they were part of multiple-location projects that appeared as a single line item in a budget.

Tags: capital improvements, cost, funding source, type, development projects

This dataset has the following 7 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
Budgeted for the Yearbudgeted_for_the_yearnumber
Fiscal Yrfiscal_yrtext
Funding Typefunding_typetext
General Categorygeneral_categorytext
Detailed Categorydetailed_categorytext