
data.kingcounty.gov | Last Updated 6 Aug 2021

This dataset has the following 7 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
BookingIDbookingidnumberUnique confirmation number assigned to every trip in the system. Each unique trip will have both a 'pickup' and 'drop-off' EventType.
EventTypeeventtypetextType of event that is taking place.
ETAetatextEstimated time of vehicle arrival at the event.
LatlatnumberWGS 1984 latitude
LonlonnumberWGS 1984 longitude
RouteroutenumberRoute number assigned to the event
OnRouteOrderonrouteordernumberDenotes the order in which an event occurs place on the route. 1 = first event .... 9999999 = last event.