LAHD Affordable Housing Projects List (2003 to Present) | Last Updated 10 Sep 2024

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Tags: affordable housing, lahd, lahd affordable housing, affordable housing managed pipeline, managed pipeline

This dataset has the following 31 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
APNapnnumberAssessor Parcel Number(APN) of the project
PROJECT NUMBERproject_numbertextHousing Information Management System (HIMS) Project Number
NAMEnametextThe name of the project
DEVELOPMENT STAGEdevelopment_stagetextThe stage where the development is at
CONSTRUCTION TYPEconstruction_typetextThe type of construction, typically "New" or "Rehab"
SITE ADDRESSaddresstextThe location of the project/site
SITE COUNCIL DISTRICTcouncil_districtnumberThe Council District of the project/site
SITE #site_cdnumberThe site number of the project site. Single site project will always display 1
SITE COMMUNITYcommunitytextThe Community of the project
SITE UNITSsite_unitsnumberTotal number of units per site
PROJECT TOTAL UNITSproject_total_unitsnumberTotal units per project
HOUSING TYPEhousing_typetextThe population served by the project
SUPPORTIVE HOUSINGsupportive_housingtextYes/No for total special needs if a site has at least one supportive housing unit.
SH UNITS PER SITEsh_units_per_sitenumberSpecial Needs per homeless units per site.
DATE FUNDEDdate_fundedcalendar_dateDate funding amount for a project
LAHD FUNDEDhcidla_fundednumberThe HCIDLA loan amount awarded for the project
LEVERAGEleveragenumberThe amount of public and private funds leveraged for the project
TAX EXEMPT CONDUIT BONDtax_exempt_conduit_bondnumberThe amount of tax exempt conduit bond issued for the project
TDCtdcnumberTotal development cost
IN-SERVICE DATEin_service_datetextThe year when the project is ready for occupany
DEVELOPERdevelopertextThe name of the developer of the project
MANAGEMENT COMPANYmanagement_companytextThe name of the management company
CONTACT PHONEcontact_phonetextThe phone number of the management company
PHOTOphotourlThe photo of the project
JOBSjobsnumberThe amount of jobs supported
PROJECT SUMMARY URLreporturl2urlPrintable project summary report
CONTRACT NUMBERScontract_numberstextReference to a city contract of each project in plain text format.
DATE STAMPdate_stamptextThe time and date when the information is updated
SITE LONGITUDElongitudenumberThe longitude of the project site address
SITE LATITUDElatitudenumberThe latitude of the project site address
GPS_COORDS ON MAPgeocoded_columnpointThe GPS coordinates of the project site address