Museum Visitors | Last Updated 1 Aug 2024

Individual visits to El Pueblo museums, per month. *The Museum of Social Justice is an independently operated museum, and reopened to the public May 2021. All El Pueblo-operated museums partially reopened June 10, 2021.

Tags: museums

This dataset has the following 12 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
America Tropical Interpretive Centeramerica_tropical_interpretive_centernumber
Avila Adobeavila_adobenumber
Chinese American Museumchinese_american_museumnumber
Gateway to Nature Centergateway_to_nature_centernumberActive March 2017 to December 2017, In-transition until March 2019, Re-opened April 2019
Firehouse Museumfirehouse_museumnumber
Hellman Quonhellman_quonnumberClosed February 2016.
IAMLAiamlanumberItalian American Museum of Los Angeles - Open to the public August 2016
Pico Housepico_housenumber
Visitor Center/ El Tranquilo Galleryvisitor_center_avila_adobenumberEl Pueblo's Visitors Center (VC) was located in the Avila Adobe Courtyard until February 29, 2016. On March 1, 2016, the VC was moved into the El Tranquilo Gallery located on Olvera Street. On October 1, 2017, the VC/ETGIC was closed permanently to the public.
Museum of Social Justicemuseum_of_social_justicenumberEffective February 2018
Biscailuz Gallery/ PK Outdoor Exhibitbiscailuz_gallerynumberIn Oct and Nov 2019, an exhibit was held in the El Tranquilo Gallery. In Oct and Nov 2020, an outdoor exhibit was held in the Plaza Kiosko.