HCD Property Investments FY10-Q1 23

data.memphistn.gov | Last Updated 11 Jul 2023

Address-level dataset of of properties receiving HCD services from July 1, 2009 - March 31, 2023 (FY10-Q1 23). Data was combined in June-July 2020 from multiple sources, including IDIS (HUD data and reimbursement system), tracking spreadsheets maintained by HCD managers, and WAPez (weatherization data system).

Tags: affordable housing, housing, economic development, neighborhoods

This dataset has the following 20 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
100 Block Addressaddress_roundedtextRounded address to the nearest 100 block. (E.g., 340 Main St becomes 300 Main, 370 Main St becomes 400 Main). This is to protect privacy while allowing for detailed spatial analysis.
Zip codezip_codetext
Project Nameproject_nametextProject name from IDIS or manager spreadsheets
Project Typeproject_typetextSpecific project type and/or program
StatusstatustextActivity status (Complete, Open, etc.)
Completion Datecompletion_datecalendar_dateApproximate completion date for activities, based on completion date in the relevant reporting system (e.g. IDIS completion date). In some cases activity may have been "completed" in the system some time after real-world project completion, though typically closeout occurs in the same fiscal year.
Unitsunits_hhsnumberNumber of housing units completed for each row
Property Typeproperty_typetextType of property receiving services (single family, multifamily, commercial, etc.)
Tenure Typetenure_typetextType of occupant for which the project was intended (owner or renter)
Activity/Dev. Typeactivity_type_simpletextSimplified activity/development type category, indicating whether project was Acquisition, New Construction, Rehab, Demolition, etc.
Funding Typefunding_typetextSource of funding
OrganizationorganizationtextOrganization receiving funding to carry out this project
Total Budgetedtotal_funds_committednumberTotal project funds administered from/via HCD
New Georeferenced Columngeocoded_columnpointGeo coordinates
Accelerate Memphisaccelerate_memphistextDesignates programs funded through the Accelerate Memphis program
Award Numberaward_numbertext