FY20 MWBE Gender & Ethnicity Report

data.memphistn.gov | Last Updated 9 Oct 2020

This dataset shows the breakdown of City of Memphis FY20 spend with minority and women owned business enterprises (MWBEs) by gender and ethnicity. *Unallocated represents those checks that were not attributed to a division at the time of payment. **Public Works spent an additional $19,956,641.03 with MWBE firms through the Sewer Assessment and Rehabilitation Program, which is managed by Black and Veatch. This amount is not included in the official report because it is managed by an outside entity. However, if that amount were included, Public Works percent MWBE spend would be 24.5%. ***Retirement investment, money manager, and custodian fees are excluded from eligible spend in this report, but will be included in a separate report produced by the Finance Division and Investment Manager. ****In the event that a business is eligible for both MBE and WBE certifications, the MBE certification is counted. However, a business may elect to maintain only a WBE certification. As a result, the Caucasian Female dollar percent will not exactly match the WBE percent.

This dataset has the following 6 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
Unnamed Columnunnamed_columntext
Grand Totalgrand_totalnumber
Percent of MWBE Spendpercent_of_mwbe_spendnumber
Percent of Eligible Spendpercent_of_eligible_spendnumber