Residential & Commercial Alarms | Last Updated 21 May 2024

This dataset shows detailed information related to the operation of the City's Metro Alarm Office, including the number of permits issued and the number of false alarms recorded each month. Please note: From July 2017-present, the columns "False Alarms" and False Alarms Historical" are identical. Prior to the ordnance passed in June 2017, the only false alarms that could be counted were those verified and matched by MPD's reporting database. This is reflected in the "False Alarms" column, pre July 2017. In order to get a true reflection of the volume of historical false alarms, dispatched records were matched and aggregated. This is reflected in the column "False Alarms Historical," pre July 2017.

Tags: public safety, alarms, nusance

This dataset has the following 15 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Datedatecalendar_dateReporting month & year (date rounds to 1st of the month)
Residential Addedresidential_addednumberResidential alarm permits added during the reporting month
Businesses Addedbusinesses_addednumberCommercial alarm permits added during the reporting month
False Alarm_Historicalfalse_alarm_historicalnumberPlease see dataset description for further explanation.
False Alarmsfalse_alarmsnumberTotal false alarms received during the reporting month
False Alarms Chargedfalse_alarms_chargednumberNumber of accounts that were charged for their 3rd false alarm.
ChargeschargesnumberTotal dollar amount charged
Gross Billinggross_billingnumberDollar amount billed during reporting month
Total Collectedtotal_collectednumberDollar amount collected during reporting month
Account-related Collectionsaccount_related_collectionsnumber
Alarm-related Collectionsalarm_related_collectionsnumber
Other Collectionsother_collectionsnumber
MonthmonthtextReporting month
YearyeartextReporting year
Month_Ordermonth_ordernumberMonth order (1=January, 12=December)