Soils Testing Process | Last Updated 12 Aug 2022

All properties are either served by public sewer or a private septic system as its means of wastewater disposal. Properties that are ineligible for public sewer service must complete satisfactory water table tests and percolation or sand mound testing to establish a sewage disposal area on the property before it can be considered 'buildable'. Update Frequency : Daily

Tags: soil, test, process, sewer, sewage, septic, waste, wastewater, disposal

This dataset has the following 18 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Application Typeapplication_typetextType of permit application.
Permit Numberpermit_numbertextNumber assigned to uniquely identify the permit.
Processed Dateprocessed_datecalendar_dateDate of the permit processed.
Approved Dateapproved_datecalendar_dateDate of the permit approved.
Project Nameproject_nametextName of the project.
Description of Workdescription_of_worktextDescription of planned work.
Street Numberstreet_numbertextStreet Number of work location
Pre-directionpre_directiontextPre-direction, if the street name has direction as a prefix.
Street Namestreet_nametextStreet Name of work location
Street Suffixstreet_suffixtextStreet Suffix, such as ST (street), PL (Place), RD (Road).
Post-directionpost_directiontextPost-direction, if the street name has a direction after the name. For example, University Blvd W
CITYcitytextCity of Work location.
STATEstatetextState of Work location.
Zip Codezip_codetextZip Code of work location.
LATITUDElatitudenumberLatitude for actual address
LONGITUDElongitudenumberLongitude for actual address
General Locationgeneral_locationtextDescription of the location work being performed.
LocationgeolocationpointSocrata created field, concatenates the fields indicated with ()