Real Property Tax Rates | Last Updated 12 Aug 2022

The Levy Year 2012 real property tax rate dataset reflects all the rates per $100 set each year by the County Council. These rates are applied to the assessed value of the real property to derive the applicable ad valorem tax. The fully phased-in assessed value equals the full cash value of the property. The real property tax is levied annually on all taxable land and improvements. The tax rate schedule is updated annually. A detailed tax rate schedule for all tax classes is available by clicking on “Tax Rates” under the link for “County Taxes” when visiting the County website at or by calling 311 (240-777-0311). Update Frequency: Annually

Tags: real, property, tax, rates, taxation, value, realty

This dataset has the following 17 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
TAX CLASStax_classtext
GENERAL COUNTY TAXgeneral_county_taxnumberThe General County tax is levied on all property in the County and funds, in part, such basic services as police protection, elementary and secondary education, the community college, transportation, health and social services, and libraries.
STATE TAXstate_taxnumberThis tax is levied by the State of Maryland for the payment of principal and interest on State bonds.
MUNICIPAL DISTRICT TAXmunicipal_district_taxnumberMunicipal District Property Tax is levied by each municipal area and generally funds street and sidewalk maintenance, trash removal, tree care, sanitation, and police protection.
TRANSIT TAXtransit_taxnumberTransit Tax is levied Countywide and funds public transportation services including the Ride On bus system.
FIRE DISTRICT TAXfire_district_taxnumberFire District Tax is levied Countywide and funds fire and rescue services.
ADVANCED LAND ACQUISITION TAXadvanced_land_acquisition_taxnumberAdvance Land Acquisition Tax is levied Countywide and funds land acquisitions by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC).
METRO-POLITAN TAXmetro_politan_taxnumberMetropolitan Tax funds M-NCPPC local park facilities and parks programs. Whether a taxpayer pays one of these special area taxes depends on where the property is located.
REGIONAL TAXregional_taxnumberRegional Tax funds M-NCPPC planning and administrative programs. Whether a taxpayer pays one of these special area taxes depends on where the property is located.
RECREATION TAXrecreation_taxnumberRecreation tax funds recreation facilities and programs. Whether a taxpayer pays one of these special area taxes depends on where the property is located.
STORM DRAINAGE TAXstorm_drainage_taxnumberStorm Drainage Tax funds storm drainage improvements. Whether a taxpayer pays one of these special area taxes depends on where the property is located.
PARKING LOT DISTRICT TAXparking_lot_district_taxnumberParking Lot District Tax funds parking lot districts improvements. Whether a taxpayer pays one of these special area taxes depends on where the property is located.
URBAN DISTRICT TAXurban_district_taxnumberUrban District Tax funds urban district improvements. Whether a taxpayer pays one of these special area taxes depends on where the property is located.
NOISE ABATEMENT DISTRICT TAXnoise_abatement_district_taxtextNoise Abatement Tax funds noise abatement district improvements. Whether a taxpayer pays one of these special area taxes depends on where the property is located.
DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TAXdevelopment_district_taxtextDevelopment District and Special Taxing District Tax is levied to finance certain infrastructure improvements through secured bond issuance. Revenues collected are used exclusively for the applicable district.
TOTAL SPECIAL SERVICE AREA TAXtotal_special_service_area_taxnumberThe Special Service Area Tax includes Transit, Fire District, Advanced Land Acquisition, Metropolitan, Regional, Recreation, Storm Drainage, Parking Lot District, Urban District, Noise Abatement District, and Development District taxes.
TOTAL TAX RATEtotal_tax_ratenumber