Recycling Public Outreach and Education Calendar Events | Last Updated 3 Apr 2023

This program provides outreach and education on recycling-related topics: waste reduction; reuse; recycling; grasscycling; composting; buying recycled; etc. This outreach/education may occur at events in the community. The additional Recycling Calendar information can be viewed at Update Frequency : Monthly

Tags: community, event, recycling, public, outreach, education, calendar, meeting

This dataset has the following 6 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Event IDevent_idnumberSystem Generated Event Number
Event Nameevent_nametextName of Event
Name & Locationname_locationtextBusiness Name and Room Location
Event Locationevent_locationtextEvent location
Dateevent_datecalendar_dateEvent Date
Timeevent_timetextEvent Time