MC311ServiceRequests-API | Last Updated 3 Apr 2023

Information on all MC311 Service Requests received (via email or phone) since July 1, 2012. This data is updated daily.

Tags: mc311, services

This dataset has the following 20 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
SR IDsr_numtextService Request ID Number (unique identifier) assigned by the MC311 Call Center
Openedcreatedcalendar_dateDate & Time the MC311 Service Request was opened
Closedclosedcalendar_dateDate & Time the MC311 Service Request was closed
Statussr_stat_idtextCurrent status (since the last daily update) of the MC311 Service Request (Closed, In Progress)
DepartmentdepartmenttextCode for the County Department assigned to resolve the Service Request
Areasr_areatextArea in the County Department assigned to resolve the Service Request
Sub-Areasr_sub_areatextSub-Area in the County Department/Area assigned to resolve the Service Request
Attached Solution (Topic)faq_ques_texttextDescribes the solution selected to resolve the Service Request
Attached Solution SLA Daysx_slanumberService Level Agreement (SLA) for the number of days expected for the attached solution to resolve the Service Request
Cityx_citytextCity location for the Service Request (where available)
Statex_statetextState location for the Service Request
Zip Codex_zipcodetext5 digit postal Zip Code for the Service Request (where available)
Sourcesr_subtype_cdtextSource for receiving the Service Request (examples: Web, Phone)
Election Districtx_electiondisttextElection District, where location is available
Maryland State Districtx_mdstatedisttextMaryland State Election District number, where location is available
Congressional Districtx_congdisttextU. S. Congressional District, where location is available
Congressional Memberx_cong_membtextU. S. Congress Member for the location, where location is available
Council Districtx_councildisttextMontgomery County Council District, where location is available
Council Member Namex_councilmbrtextMontgomery County Council Member for the location, where location is available
Changed Datelast_updcalendar_dateDate & Time the MC311 Service Request record was last updated in the system