in progress plant request | Last Updated 13 Feb 2020

Information on all MC311 Service Requests received (via email or phone) since July 1, 2012. This data is updated daily. The PIO’s business requirement includes adding the following data elements to the new and enhanced open data site being proposed by DTS. This data is derived from requests for service which originate in the CSC, from the County’s web portal, and via “walk-ins” from county departments including but not limited to DHCA. • SLA – to indicate the number of days in county business days the department has to fulfill the request. County business days must exclude weekends, county holidays and days when the county is closed due to inclement weather (snow days, etc) per CountyStat’s business requirement. This field has been published in the existing MC311 Service Requests dataset with the field name ‘Attached Solution SLA Days’. • +/- SLA –to indicate the number of days a service request is over or under SLA as is currently measured by CountyStat. The following 4 fields will be added to fulfill this line item  # of days open – Number of County Business days the Service Request has been opened.  Within SLA Window? - To indicate the number of days a service request is over or under SLA as is currently measured by CountyStat.  SLA Yes – Number of days to fulfill the service request is under the SLA window.  SLA No -– Number of days to fulfill the service request is over the SLA window.

Tags: mc311, services, 311, service, requests

This dataset has the following 24 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
SR IDsr_numtextService Request ID Number (unique identifier) assigned by the MC311 Call Center
Openedcreatedcalendar_dateDate & Time the MC311 Service Request was opened
Closedclosedcalendar_dateDate & Time the MC311 Service Request was closed
Statussr_stat_idtextCurrent status (since the last daily update) of the MC311 Service Request (Closed, In Progress)
DepartmentdepartmenttextCode for the County Department assigned to resolve the Service Request
Areasr_areatextArea in the County Department assigned to resolve the Service Request
Sub-Areasr_sub_areatextSub-Area in the County Department/Area assigned to resolve the Service Request
Attached Solution (Topic)faq_ques_texttextDescribes the solution selected to resolve the Service Request
Attached Solution SLA Daysx_slanumberService Level Agreement (SLA) for the number of days expected for the attached solution to resolve the Service Request
Cityx_citytextCity location for the Service Request (where available)
Statex_statetextState location for the Service Request
Zip Codex_zipcodetext5 digit postal Zip Code for the Service Request (where available)
Sourcesr_subtype_cdtextSource for receiving the Service Request (examples: Web, Phone)
Election Districtx_electiondisttextElection District, where location is available
Maryland State Districtx_mdstatedisttextMaryland State Election District number, where location is available
Congressional Districtx_congdisttextU. S. Congressional District, where location is available
Congressional Memberx_cong_membtextU. S. Congress Member for the location, where location is available
Council Districtx_councildisttextMontgomery County Council District, where location is available
Council Member Namex_councilmbrtextMontgomery County Council Member for the location, where location is available
Changed Datelast_updcalendar_dateDate & Time the MC311 Service Request record was last updated in the system
# of Days Opennumber_of_days_opennumberNumber of County Business days the Service Request has been opened.
Within SLA Windowswithin_sla_windowtextTo indicate the number of days a service request is over or under SLA as is currently measured by CountyStat.
SLA Yessla_yestextNumber of days to fulfill the service request is under the SLA window.
SLA Nosla_notextNumber of days to fulfill the service request is over the SLA window.