Parking Garage Space Availability | Last Updated 3 Apr 2023

This dataset includes parking spaces availability for Montgomery County Public Parking Facilities. This dataset only includes facilities that are equipped with vehicle counting systems. Update frequency: Every few minutes

Tags: parking, garage, space available, public facility, vehicle counting

This dataset has the following 4 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Facility NumberfacilitynumbertextThe unique number assigned to a facility distinguishing it from the other facilities. Each facility's number falls between 0-99.
Space Countspace_countnumberThe total number of parking spaces available within the facility.
Total Spacestotal_spacesnumberThe total number of vehicle parking spaces within the facility
Last Updateasofdatetimecalendar_dateThe last date and time information pertaining to the facility was modified.