ResidentialPermit-API | Last Updated 3 Apr 2023

Data for all Residential Building Permits issued since 2000, including status and work performed. Update Frequency: Daily

This dataset has the following 19 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Permit NumberpermitnotextNumber assigned to uniquely identify permit
StatusstatustextStatus of permit
Street NumberstnotextStreet number of work location
Street NamestnametextStreet name of work location
Street SuffixsuffixtextStreet suffix, such as ST (Street), PL (Place), RD (Road)
Post-directionpostdirtextPost-direction, if the street name has a direction after the name. For example, University Blvd W
CitycitytextCity of work location
StatestatetextState of work location
ZIP codeziptextZip Code of work location
Added Dateaddeddatecalendar_dateThe date that the applicant applied for the permit and the information entered into the database
Issue Dateissueddatecalendar_dateThe date that the permit is issued. When the permit is issued, construction is allowed to commence. DPS has reviewed the construction plans according to the applicable building and life safety codes and approved the plans
Final Datefinaleddatecalendar_dateThe final date indicates the date that construction has been completed and approved by DPS. The final inspection was conducted that date/time by the DPS inspector and was acceptable
Building AreabuildingareanumberThe number of square feet for the proposed construction. For a new home, it is the entire building area. For an addition or alteration, it represents only the area of the affected space, not the entire structure
Declared ValuationdeclaredvaluationnumberThe value or cost of the proposed construction or work as declared by the applicant
DescriptiondescriptiontextDescription of planned work
Application TypeapplicationtypetextType of permit application
Work TypeworktypetextType of work to be performed
Use CodeusecodetextType of structure work will be performed on
Pre-directionpredirtextPre-direction, if the street name has a direction as a prefix. For example, E Jefferson Street