Warren County One-Stop Career Center Calendar Request Form

data.nj.gov | Last Updated 2 Aug 2018

Warren County One-Stop Career Center Calendar

This dataset has the following 15 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Datedatecalendar_dateDate of the calendar event
Start Timestart_timetextThe starting time of the calendar event
End Timeend_timetextThe time that the calendar event ends.
Event Titleevent_titletextName of the event
DescriptiondescriptiontextDescription of what the event is about
LocationlocationtextThe name of the location that is hosting the event
CountycountytextCounty where the event is being held
ContactcontacttextContact person for this event
Contact Titlecontact_titletextTitle of the contact person
PhonephonetextPhone number of the contact person
EmailemailtextContact person's email address
Calendar TypecalendartypetextType of Calendar
DirectionsdirectionstextDirections to the event
Registration Linkregistration_linkurlLink, if desired, to a registration web page
Location 1location_1locationStreet address for the event