Sandy HMFA Summary Data | Last Updated 7 Aug 2024

This is a summarized version of the HMFA Master Data with key columns.

Tags: hmfa, sandy, sandy-summary

This dataset has the following 9 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
As Of Dateas_of_datecalendar_dateAgency data is up to date as of this date
Federal Agencyfederal_agencytextFederal Agency corresponding to the State Agency. Valid value: US HUD.
Funding Sourcefunding_sourcetextFederal Agency that is the funding source for the state Agency, HMFA. Valid value: CDBG-DR
Program Descriptionprogram_descriptiontextShort Description of the CDBG-DR program or any new program
Projectproject_nametextThe name of an HMFA project related to Superstorm Sandy. For example: HMFA Administrative Costs
Project Descriptionproject_descriptiontextA textual description of an HMFA project related to Superstorm Sandy. For example: HMFA Administrative Costs = Administrative Cost associated with NJ HMFA to execute and deliver Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery Program for Superstorm Sandy Recovery and Rebuilding efforts.
Allocated Amountproject_allocated_amountnumberFunds provisionally set aside for this project
Obligated Amountproject_obligated_amountnumberFunds committed to this project but not yet spent
Disbursed Amountproject_disbursed_amountnumberFunds spent to date for this project