DHS - Accessibility Ramp Repair Project

data.nj.gov | Last Updated 11 Jul 2017

This is a report for all the relevant columns of DHS - The Amount Allocated, Obligated and Paid broken down by federal agency, program, vendor, project, county, and municipality.

Tags: dhs, sandy, sandy-master

This dataset has the following 14 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
As of Dateas_of_datecalendar_dateAgency data is up to date as of this date
Federal Agencyfederal_agencytextFederal Agency corresponding to the State Agency. Valid value: US HHS
Funding Sourcefunding_sourcetextFederal Agency that is the funding source for the state Agency, DHS. Valid value: SSBG
Program Descriptionprogram_descriptiontextShort Description of the SSBG program or any new program
Projectproject_nametextThe name of a DHS project related to Superstorm Sandy. For example: Accessibility Ramp Repair
Project Descriptionproject_descriptiontextA textual description of a DHS project related to Superstorm Sandy. For example: Accessibility Ramp Repair = This program provides payment to approved vendors for the repair, replacement or installation of modular accessibility ramps for individuals with disabilities whose primary homes were impacted by Superstorm Sandy.
Project Typeproject_typetextThe type of project that the funds are being used for (Other Services -- Repair, Renovation, and Rebuilding - Other, Day Care-Children, etc.)
CountycountytextThis is the name of a county where a Superstorm Sandy related project was worked on. This column may have a single name of a county, a value of 'Statewide' for projects being worked on at a State level, or it will contain the value 'Multi County' for those projects that cross more than on County. A comma separated list of multiple counties relating to one project detail is in the column.
MunicipalitymunicipalitytextThis is the Municipality name or names that pertain to a particular project detail. This column may contain either one Municipality Name, multiple Municipality Names separated by commas, 'statewide', etc.
VendorvendortextVendor Name. The name of a vendor who is doing work for DHS on Superstorm Sandy-related projects(s). NPO, direct vendors
Obligated Amountobligated_amountnumberFunds committed to this project but not yet spent
Obligated Dateobligated_datecalendar_dateThe date that the funds were committed to this project
Disbursed Amountdisbursed_amountnumberMeasureable quantity for which the funds were disbursed
Disbursed Datedisbursed_datecalendar_dateDate on which the funds were disbursed