EDA - EDA SBL Economic Revitalization Program Delivery UN Project

data.nj.gov | Last Updated 30 Jan 2024

This is a report for all the relevant columns of EDA - The Amount Awarded and Recipient broken down by federal agency, county, and municipality.

Tags: eda, sandy, sandy-master

This dataset has the following 14 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
As of Dateas_of_datecalendar_dateAgency data is up to date as of this date
Federal Agencyfederal_agencytextFederal Agency corresponding to the State Agency. Valid value: US HUD.
Funding Sourcefunding_sourcetextFederal Agency that is the funding source for the state Agency, EDA. Valid value: CDBG-DR
Program Descriptionprogram_descriptiontextShort Description of the CDBG-DR program or any new program
Projectproject_nametextThe name of an EDA project related to Superstorm Sandy. For example: EDA Administrative Costs
Project Descriptionproject_descriptiontextA textual description of an EDA project related to Superstorm Sandy. For example: EDA Administrative Costs = Administrative Cost associated with NJ EDA to execute and deliver Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery Program for Superstorm Sandy Recovery and Rebuilding efforts.
Project Typeproject_typetextThe type of project that the funds are being used for (Administration, NCR Grant UN, etc.)
CountycountytextThis is the name of a county where a Superstorm Sandy related project was worked on. This column may have a single name of a county, a value of 'Statewide' for projects being worked on at a State level, or it will contain the value 'Multi County' for those projects that cross more than on County. A comma separated list of multiple counties relating to one project detail is in the column.
MunicipalitymunicipalitytextThis is the Municipality name or names that pertain to a particular project detail. This column may contain either one Municipality Name, multiple Municipality Names separated by commas, 'statewide', etc.
Applicantapplicant_nametextApplicant/recipient of the funds. Example: EDA Administration, Seaside Heights, etc.
Obligated Amountobligated_amountnumberFunds committed to this project but not yet spent
Obligated Dateobligated_datecalendar_dateThe date that the funds were committed to this project
Disbursed Amountdisbursed_amountnumberMeasureable quantity for which the funds were disbursed
Disbursed Datedisbursed_datecalendar_dateDate on which the funds were disbursed