CBD multi-family permits

data.nola.gov | Last Updated 23 Jan 2024

City of New Orleans permit data starting from 1/01/2012; Updated nightly.Note: For download of entire dataset, export as .csv

Tags: city of new orleans, permits

This dataset has the following 42 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
AddressaddresstextThe permit's street address
OwnerownertextProperty owner
DescriptiondescriptiontextDetailed description of work permitted
NumStringnumstringtextPermit number
IsClosedisclosedtextWhether the permit has been closed
TypetypetextPermit type description
CodecodetextPermit type code
DivisiondivisiontextCity department/division - always SP(Safety & Permits) for building permit dataset
M_Sm_stextMaster or sub-permit
FilingDatefilingdatecalendar_dateDate that the application was submitted to Safety & Permits
IssueDateissuedatecalendar_dateDate permit was issued
CurrentStatuscurrentstatustextThe most recently completed event in the permit's workflow (e.g. "Application Submitted", "Zoning Review", etc.)
NextStatusnextstatustextThe next event in the permit's workflow after the most recently completed event
CurrentStatusDatecurrentstatusdatecalendar_dateThe date on which the most recent event was completed
NextStatusDatenextstatusdatecalendar_dateThe date on which the next incomplete event is projected to be completed
LandUselandusetextProperty type (e.g. "Single Family", "Business Use", "Multi-Family")
LandUseShortlanduseshorttextProperty type code
ProjectNameprojectnametextIf this permit is associated with a City Planning project, that project's title
UnpaidFeesunpaidfeesnumberPermit fees that have not been paid yet
TotalFeestotalfeesnumberTotal permit fees, in dollars
BldgAreabldgareanumberSquare footage of new construction or addition (if applicable)
ConstrValconstrvalnumberConstruction value, based on a copy of the construction contract or an itemized estimate in the case of self-performed work
BondAmountbondamountnumberNot used by Safety & Permits
OpenCommentsopencommentsnumberNumber of permit review comments that have not been resolved or withdrawn
ApplicantapplicanttextName of the individual or entity who filed the permit application
TotalInspectionstotalinspectionsnumberTotal number of inspections required or performed, both complete and incomplete
ContractorscontractorstextName or names of contractors associated with the permit
PINpintextThe assessor's tax bill number for the parcel
BedsbedsnumberOptional - number of bedrooms
BathsbathsnumberOptional - number of bathrooms
HeatTypeheattypetextOptional - type of heating to be installed
SecondFloosecondfloonumberNot used - area of second floor in square feet
BasementArbasementarnumberNot used - area of basement in square feet
DaysOpendaysopennumberNumber of days from filing the application to closing the permit (whether finaled, voided, withdrawn, or denied)
DaysIssueddaysissuednumberNumber of days from issuing the permit to closing the permit (whether finaled, voided, withdrawn, or denied)
LeadAgencyleadagencytextAlways City of New Orleans
ExitReasonexitreasontextIf the permit application has been closed, the reason for closing it
SubdivisionsubdivisiontextCity Planning Commission's neighborhood name
CouncilDistcouncildisttextCouncil District (A, B, C, D, E)
ZoningzoningtextHow the property was zoned at the time of the permit application
HistoricDistricthistoricdistricttextHistorical District name
Location 1location_1locationLatitude/Longitude coordinates