Employee Salaries

data.norfolk.gov | Last Updated 22 Apr 2022

This dataset provides base salary information about City of Norfolk employees. This data is provided by Norfolk's Department of Human Resources and is updated daily.

Tags: compensation, employee, job, pay, position, title, salary, wage, staff & administration, employee & budget information

This dataset has the following 8 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
DepartmentdepartmenttextIdentification of the department name
DivisiondivisiontextIf applicable, the specific division, bureau, or unit an employee is in within the department.
Position Titlejob_titletextTextual description of the position name
Employee Statusemployee_classificationtextDescription of employment type (ex. Full-time, Part-time, etc.)
Initial Hire Datestart_datecalendar_dateEarliest date of employment with the City of Norfolk for the employee
Date in Positiontitle_datecalendar_dateEarliest date of employment in the current position for the employee
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)flsa_statustextTextual description of Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) classification of the position Exempt (in-eligible for overtime) or Non-Exempt (eligible for overtime)
Base Salaryannual_base_ratenumberHourly Rate x the normal scheduled hours for the position