Police Active Warrants

data.norfolk.gov | Last Updated 20 May 2024

This dataset represents all active warrants recorded by the Norfolk Police Department. Warrants can be searched by type of crime, demographics of persons involved and total number of outstanding warrants. This dataset is updated daily. Note: this dataset does not contain any active warrants that could possibly: • jeopardize an ongoing investigation, or prosecution, or the safety of an individual, • cause a suspect to flee or evade detection, • result in the destruction of evidence.

Tags: active warrants, wanted, police

This dataset has the following 11 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
FirstfirsttextDenotes the first name of the person listed on the active warrant
LastlasttextDenotes the last name of the person listed on the active warrant
HeightheighttextDenotes the height of the person listed on the active warrant
WeightweightnumberDenotes the weight of the person on the active warrant
HairhairtextDenotes the hair color of the person on the active warrant
EyeeyetextDenotes the eye color of the person listed on the active warrant
Date of Birthdobcalendar_dateDenotes the date of birth of the person listed on the active warrant
SexsextextDenotes the sex of the person listed on the Active warrant
RaceracetextDenotes the Race of the person listed on the active warrant
Issue Dateissudatecalendar_dateDenotes the Date the warrant was issued
Warrant Chargewa_chrgtextDenotes the Charge on the Active Warrant