Police Arrest Reports

data.norfolk.gov | Last Updated 7 Jun 2024

This dataset represents all arrests that occurred in the last 24 hours as recorded by the Norfolk Police Department. This dataset is updated daily.

Tags: arrest, report, 24 hours, incident, offense, police

This dataset has the following 11 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
FirstfirsttextDenotes the first name of the arrestee
LastlasttextDenotes the last name of the arrestee
HeightheighttextDenotes the height of the arrestee
WeightweightnumberDenotes the weight of the arrestee
HairhairtextDenotes the hair color of the arrestee
EyeeyetextDenotes the eye color of the arrestee
Date of Birthdobcalendar_dateDenotes the date of birth of the arrestee
SexsextextDenotes the sex of the arrestee
RaceracetextDenotes the sex of the arrestee
Date Arresteddate_arrcalendar_dateDenotes the date of the arrest
ChargechargetextDenotes the charge of the offense