Richmond County Current Data | Last Updated 8 Jan 2024

Current speed and direction time series data collected in a vertical profile at various locations throughout the coastal waters of Richmond County.

Tags: adcp, current data, coastal monitoring program, richmond county, aquaculture, climate change, coast, current direction, current speed, downloadable data, ecosystem, environment, environmental monitoring, essential ocean variables, fisheries, fishing, nova scotia, oceanography

This dataset has the following 9 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
deployment_iddeployment_idtextunique identifier for ADCP deployment. IDs are assigned incrementally by deployment date within a county. A skipped ID (e.g., consecutive IDs are XY001 and XY003) indicates that an ADCP was deployed but no useable current data were recovered (e.g., the battery failed).
waterbodywaterbodytextwaterbody in which the ADCP was deployed.
stationstationtextspecific area where ADCP was deployed.
timestamp_utcdatetimecalendar_datetimestamp of the start of the ensemble (in UTC). Current speed and direction recorded at each timestamp are an average of many measurements recoded during the ensemble. See the “Nova Scotia Current Data Deployment Information” dataset for ensemble details for each deployment.
sensor_depth_below_surface_msensor_depth_below_surface_mtextthe depth of the ADCP below the surface (metres), measured by the ADCP sensor. Changes with the tide.
bin_height_above_sea_floor_mbin_height_above_sea_floor_mtextdistance from the seafloor to the centre of the measurement bin (metres).
bin_depth_below_surface_mbin_depth_below_surface_mtextdistance from the surface to the centre of the measurement bin (metres). Calculated as sensor_depth_below_surface_m + sensor_height_above_sea_floor_m - bin_height_above_sea_floor_m. See “Nova Scotia Current Data: Deployment Information” dataset ( for sensor_height_above_sea_floor_m.
sea_water_speed_m_ssea_water_speed_m_snumberwater speed for corresponding depth bin and timestamp (m / s).
sea_water_to_direction_degreesea_water_to_direction_degreenumberdirection of water flow for corresponding depth bin and timestamp (degrees). Measured travelling away from the ADCP sensor relative to True North (a reading of 90 degrees describes current travelling from west to east).