Synthesis of Environmental Mercury Loads in New York State (1969-2017): Biotic Samples | Last Updated 1 Jul 2024

This dataset includes information from a statewide synthesis effort, involving the compilation, analysis, and synthesis of existing data on environmental mercury (Hg) concentrations and loads in New York State, with an emphasis on Hg data collected during recent NYSERDA-sponsored monitoring and research efforts. Compiling existing mercury data is a vital step to understanding the broad spatial and temporal patterns of mercury across the landscape. This dataset includes information about biotic samples used as part of this analysis and is one of eight datasets from the statewide synthesis database. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) offers objective information and analysis, innovative programs, technical expertise, and support to help New Yorkers increase energy efficiency, save money, use renewable energy, and accelerate economic growth. reduce reliance on fossil fuels. To learn more about NYSERDA’s programs, visit or follow us on X, Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram.

Tags: mercury, mercury synthesis, hg, atmospheric deposition, fish, bird

This dataset has the following 43 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
SAMPLE_IDsample_idtextUnique sample identifier
Capture_Eventcapture_eventtextUnique spatial and temporal collection point identifier
Capture_Loccapture_loctextUnique spatial collection point identifier
LatitudelatitudenumberLatitude of data collection point. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
LongitudelongitudenumberLongitude of data collection point. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
Project_IDproject_idtextUnique project identifier
Waterbody_Typewaterbody_typetextType of water body data was collected from (ex. Canal, river, lake etc.). Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
BDatebdatecalendar_dateDate of sample collection
SubjectsubjecttextSubject of the sample. Either Amphibian, Bird, Bivalve, Crustacean, Fish, Invertebrate (Invert), Mammal, Mollusk, Reptile, or Unknown.
NnnumberNumber of samples collected
Org_Spp_Codeorg_spp_codetextCode for common name of organism sampled as originally reported by the researcher. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
Org_Spp_Commonorg_spp_commontextCommon name of organism sampled as originally reported by the researcher. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
TSNtsntextTaxonomic Serial Number as reported in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
SuperclasssuperclasstextSuperclass of organism sampled as reported in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System; either Actinopterygii or Tetrapoda. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
ClassclasstextClass of organism sampled as reported in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
SubclasssubclasstextSubclass of organism sampled as reported in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
OrderordertextOrder of organism sampled as reported in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
FamilyfamilytextFamily of organism sampled as reported in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
GenusgenustextGenus of organism sampled as reported in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
SpeciesspeciestextScientific name of organism sampled as reported in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
DistinctCommonNamedistinctcommonnametextDistinct common name of organism sampled as reported in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
Assign_HabitatTypeassign_habitattypetextHabitat type of the organism sampled; either Aquatic or Terrestrial. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
Assign_Foraging_Guideassign_foraging_guidetextDiet type of organism sampled; either Carnivore, Herbivore, Invertivore, Invertivore-Piscivore, Omnivore, Piscivore or Planktivore. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
Band_Numband_numtextThe unique code at the time of sample collection used to mark and identify an individual organism (e.g., band identification number from USFWS band, matching band-lab/BANDIT records).
Orig_Band_Numorig_band_numtextThe unique code originally assigned to an individual in the event the band needed to be changed. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
YearBand.Changedyearband_changedtextYear in which the band number changed; either 2013, 2014, or 2017. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
RecaprecaptextIf a unique individual has been captured previously, either Yes or No. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
AgeagetextAge of organism sampled; either age in numbers, A (Adult), AD (Adult), Adult, AFY (After First Year), AHY (After Hatch Year), ASY (After Second Year), ATY (After Third Year), HY (Hatch Year), SY (Second Year), TY (Third Year), Imm (Immature), Immature, ), J (Juvenile), juvenile, L (Local: young bird incapable of sustained flight, Sub-Adult, U (Unknown), Unknown, or Yearling. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
SexsextextSex of organism sampled; either F (Female), IM (Immature), M (Male) or U (Unknown). Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
Mass (g)mass_gnumberMass of organism from which the sample was collected, measured in grams. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
Length (cm)length_cmtextLength of organism in which the sample was collected from, measured in centimeters. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
Length_Methodlength_methodtextMethod used to measure length of organism; either Forearm Length (cm), Length, TL (Total Length). Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
Composite_yes_nocomposite_yes_notextWhether a composite sample was collected; either Yes or No.
Composite_Sizecomposite_sizenumberOverall size of composite sample analyzed. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Comp_MinWt (g)comp_minwt_gnumberMinimum weight of organisms included as part of the composite sample analyzed measured in grams. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Comp_MaxWt (g)comp_maxwt_gnumberMaximum weight of organisms included as part of the composite sample analyzed measured in grams. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Comp_AvgWt (g)comp_avgwt_gnumberAverage weight of organisms included as part of the composite sample analyzed, measured in grams. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Comp_MinLen (cm)comp_minlen_cmnumberMinimum length of organisms included as part of the composite sample analyzed, measured in centimeters. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Comp_MaxLen (cm)comp_maxlen_cmnumberMaximum length of organisms included as part of the composite sample analyzed, measured in centimeters. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Comp_AvgLen (cm)comp_avglen_cmnumberAverage length of organisms included as part of the composite sample analyzed, measured in centimeters. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
TissueCollectedtissuecollectedtextType of tissue collected from organisms (ex. Muscle, Egg, Fat, Skin, etc.).
Analysis_Tissueanalysis_tissuetextType of tissue analyzed
Sample_Commentssample_commentstextRelevant comments related to the organism collected and sampled. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available