Registered Retail Dealers of Cigarettes and Tobacco Products and Vapor Products | Last Updated 30 Sep 2024

What’s in this dataset? This dataset includes the name, address, and license type for New York State registered retail dealers of cigarettes, tobacco products, and vapor products, as well as registration revocation and suspension data for these retailers. What can this data tell me? Use this data to confirm whether a retailer is properly registered and in good standing with the New York State Tax Department. If there are suspension or revocation dates showing for a business, that particular license was not active during those dates.

Tags: cigarette, tobacco, vapor products, vape, cig, tobacco retail dealer, registration, t&f registrations

This dataset has the following 12 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
License Numbercor_idtextCertificate of Registration (COR) License Number assigned to an entity
Seq. Numbercor_seq_nmbrnumberWhen a registered retailer operates several locations, the sequence number indicates a separate address.
License Typecig_vapetextCigarettes & Tobacco Retailer (CIG) or Vapor Products Retailer (VAPE)
Business Namelast_or_bus_nametextLegal Name of Entity
D_B_Adba_nametextDoing Business As
Street Addressphys_ln_2_adrtextStreet Address
ZIPphys_zip_5_adrtextAddress-ZIP Code
Revocation or Suspension Start Datesusp_beg_dtcalendar_dateBegin date of most recent revocation or suspension
Revocation or Suspension End Datesusp_end_dtcalendar_dateEnd date of most recent revocation or suspension
GeoreferencegeoreferencepointOpen Data platform-generated geocoding information from supplied address components. Point-type location is the centroid of the address components provided and does not reflect a specific address if the street address component is not provided. Point-type location is supplied in "POINT ()" format.