Residential Existing Homes (One to Four Units) Energy Efficiency Meter Evaluated Project Data: 2007 – 2012 | Last Updated 4 Feb 2021

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ DISCLAIMER BEFORE USING DATA. This dataset backcasts estimated modeled savings for a subset of 2007-2012 completed projects in the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Program against normalized savings calculated by an open source energy efficiency meter available at Open source code uses utility-grade metered consumption to weather-normalize the pre- and post-consumption data using standard methods with no discretionary independent variables. The open source energy efficiency meter allows private companies, utilities, and regulators to calculate energy savings from energy efficiency retrofits with increased confidence and replicability of results. This dataset is intended to lay a foundation for future innovation and deployment of the open source energy efficiency meter across the residential energy sector, and to help inform stakeholders interested in pay for performance programs, where providers are paid for realizing measurable weather-normalized results. To download the open source code, please visit the website at D I S C L A I M E R: Normalized Savings using open source OEE meter. Several data elements, including, Evaluated Annual Elecric Savings (kWh), Evaluated Annual Gas Savings (MMBtu), Pre-retrofit Baseline Electric (kWh), Pre-retrofit Baseline Gas (MMBtu), Post-retrofit Usage Electric (kWh), and Post-retrofit Usage Gas (MMBtu) are direct outputs from the open source OEE meter. Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Estimated Savings. Several data elements, including, Estimated Annual kWh Savings, Estimated Annual MMBtu Savings, and Estimated First Year Energy Savings represent contractor-reported savings derived from energy modeling software calculations and not actual realized energy savings. The accuracy of the Estimated Annual kWh Savings and Estimated Annual MMBtu Savings for projects has been evaluated by an independent third party. The results of the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR impact analysis indicate that, on average, actual savings amount to 35 percent of the Estimated Annual kWh Savings and 65 percent of the Estimated Annual MMBtu Savings. For more information, please refer to the Evaluation Report published on NYSERDA’s website at: This dataset includes the following data points for a subset of projects completed in 2007-2012: Contractor ID, Project County, Project City, Project ZIP, Climate Zone, Weather Station, Weather Station-Normalization, Project Completion Date, Customer Type, Size of Home, Volume of Home, Number of Units, Year Home Built, Total Project Cost, Contractor Incentive, Total Incentives, Amount Financed through Program, Estimated Annual kWh Savings, Estimated Annual MMBtu Savings, Estimated First Year Energy Savings, Evaluated Annual Electric Savings (kWh), Evaluated Annual Gas Savings (MMBtu), Pre-retrofit Baseline Electric (kWh), Pre-retrofit Baseline Gas (MMBtu), Post-retrofit Usage Electric (kWh), Post-retrofit Usage Gas (MMBtu), Central Hudson, Consolidated Edison, LIPA, National Grid, National Fuel Gas, New York State Electric and Gas, Orange and Rockland, Rochester Gas and Electric. How does your organization use this dataset? What other NYSERDA or energy-related datasets would you like to see on Open NY? Let us know by emailing

Tags: pay for performance, savings measurement, energy efficiency, residential, kwh, mmbtu, hpwes, home performance with energy star, evaluated, usage, consumption, baseline, energy savings, meter, weather normalized, p4p

This dataset has the following 36 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Project IDproject_idtextUnique identifier for project, same as the Project ID field in the Residential Existing Homes (One to Four Units) Predicted First Year Savings for Energy Efficiency Measures: 2007 – 2012 ( and Residential Existing Homes (One to Four Units) Energy Efficiency Projects with Income-based Incentives by Customer Type: Beginning 2010 ( datasets
Contractor IDcontractor_idtextUnique identifier for participating Contractor responsible for audit, modeled savings projections, and project implementation
Project Countyproject_countytextName of county for project location
Project Cityproject_citytextName of city for project location
Project ZIPproject_ziptextFive-digit ZIP code for project location
Climate Zoneclimate_zonetextProject climate zone. See for more information.
Weather Stationweather_stationnumberWeather Station United States Air Force (USAF) Identifier closest to the project
Weather Station-Normalizationweather_station_normalizationnumberWeather Station USAF Identifier for weather station used for normalization (may be different from the weather station closest to the project if insufficient weather data)
Project Completion Dateproject_completion_datecalendar_dateDate final project completion paperwork was reviewed and approved by Program.
Customer Typecustomer_typetextIndicates if the homeowner received market rate incentives or assisted subsidy
Size of Homesize_of_homenumberSquare footage of the home. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Volume of Homevolume_of_homenumberCubic feet of conditioned space in the home. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Number of Unitsnumber_of_unitsnumberNumber of units served by the Program. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Year Home Builtyear_home_builtnumberHome construction date. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Total Project Cost ($)total_project_costnumberCost of project in US dollars
Contractor Incentive ($)contractor_incentivenumberAmount of incentive in US dollars paid directly to the Contractor
Total Incentives ($)total_incentivesnumberAmount of homeowner incentive in US dollars. Zero dollars represent either projects receiving only financing, or Market Rate projects that did not receive an incentive, but still participated in the program to take advantage of working with participating contractors and Quality Assurance benefits
Amount Financed Through Program ($)amount_financed_through_programnumberProject loan amount in US dollars. If zero, then project was not financed
Estimated Annual Electric Savings (kWh)estimated_annual_electric_savings_kwhnumberModeled annual electric savings estimate in kWh per model developed by participating contractor at time of audit. Negative numbers represent projects with post-retrofit increase in electric consumption, typically from fuel conversions or ancillary savings. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Estimated Annual Gas Savings (MMBtu)estimated_annual_gas_savings_mmbtunumberModeled annual gas savings estimate in MMBtu per model developed by participating contractor at time of audit. Negative numbers represent projects with post-retrofit increase in gas consumption, typically from fuel conversions or ancillary savings. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Estimated First Year Energy Bill Savings ($)estimated_first_year_energy_savingsnumberEstimated post-retrofit first year dollar savings (USD) from model developed by the contractor at time of audit. Negative numbers represent projects with estimated post-retrofit first year dollar expenses, typically occurring when non-energy work was completed such as health and safety improvements, or when work was done in conjunction with another, net positive energy savings project. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Baseline Electric (kWh)baseline_electric_kwhnumberThe modeled, weather normalized electric usage during the baseline period (9 continuous months prior to intervention). Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Baseline Gas (MMBtu)baseline_gas_mmbtunumberThe modeled, weather normalized natural gas usage during the baseline period (9 continuous months prior to intervention). Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Reporting Electric (kWh)reporting_electric_kwhnumberThe modeled, weather-normalized electric usage during the reporting period (9 continuous months after the intervention). Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Reporting Gas (MMBtu)reporting_gas_mmbtunumberThe modeled, weather-normalized natural gas usage during the reporting period (9 continuous months after the intervention). Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available
Evaluated Annual Electric Savings (kWh)evaluated_annual_electric_savings_kwhnumberThe modeled, weather normalized annual site-level electric savings (kWh), calculated as pre-retrofit normalized baseline less post-retrofit normalized usage. Negative numbers represent projects with post-retrofit increase in electric consumption, typically from fuel conversions or ancillary savings
Evaluated Annual Gas Savings (MMBtu)evaluated_annual_gas_savings_mmbtunumberThe modeled, weather normalized annual site-level gas savings (MMBtu), calculated as pre-retrofit normalized baseline less post-retrofit normalized usage. Negative numbers represent projects with post-retrofit increase in gas consumption, typically from fuel conversions or ancillary savings
Central Hudsoncentral_hudsontextUtility for the project, where “True” indicates the project is in the Central Hudson territory. Some homes are served by more than one utility company
Consolidated Edisonconsolidated_edisontextUtility for the project, where “True” indicates the project is in the Consolidated Edison territory. Some homes are served by more than one utility company
LIPAlipatextUtility for the project, where “True” indicates the project is in the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) territory. Some homes are served by more than one utility company
National Gridnational_gridtextUtility for the project, where “True” indicates the project is in the National Grid territory. Some homes are served by more than one utility company
National Fuel Gasnational_fuel_gastextUtility for the project, where “True” indicates the project is in the National Fuel Gas territory. Some homes are served by more than one utility company
NYSEGnysegtextUtility for the project, where “True” indicates the project is in the New York State Electric and Gas territory. Some homes are served by more than one utility company
Orange and Rocklandorange_and_rocklandtextUtility for the project, where “True” indicates the project is in the Orange and Rockland territory. Some homes are served by more than one utility company
Rochester Gas and Electricrochester_gas_and_electrictextUtility for the project, where “True” indicates the project is in the Rochester Gas and Electric territory. Some homes are served by more than one utility company
Location 1geocoded_columnlocationOpen Data/Socrata-generated geocoding information.