State University of New York (SUNY) - NYS High School Attended by First Time Undergraduate Students: Beginning Fall 2010 | Last Updated 22 Sep 2023

Report by NYS High School of the number of SUNY First Time Undergraduates entering in the Term, who reported attending that High School. The total number of First Time Undergraduates at SUNY from each High School is provided. The total is sub-divided by the SUNY Sector of the Institution the student is attending; Doctoral, Comprehensive, Technology and Community College. The report also provides a total count by NYS County, which is an aggregate of all the high schools in that County.

Tags: suny institutions, first time undergraduates, higher education

This dataset has the following 12 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
TermtermtextTerm Student entered as First Time Undergraduate
High School Namehigh_school_nametextHigh School Name
High School CEEBhigh_school_ceebnumberCode assigned to institution by College Entrance Examination Board
CitycitytextCity where the High School is located
CountycountytextCounty where the High School is located
Zip Codezip_codetextZip Code of the High School
Total Attending SUNY Institutionstotal_attending_suny_institutionstextTotal number of First Time Undergraduates entering a SUNY Institution in the Term by the NYS High School attended.
Attending SUNY Doctoral Institutionsattending_suny_doctoral_institutionstextNumber of First Time Undergraduates entering a SUNY Doctoral Institution in the Term by the NYS High School attended.
Attending SUNY Comprehensive Collegesattending_suny_comprehensive_collegestextNumber of First Time Undergraduates entering a SUNY Comprehensive College in the Term by the NYS High School attended.
Attending SUNY Technology Collegesattending_suny_technology_collegestextNumber of First Time Undergraduates entering a SUNY Technology College in the Term by the NYS High School attended.
Attending SUNY Community Collegesattending_suny_community_collegestextNumber of First Time Undergraduates entering a SUNY Community College in the Term by the NYS High School attended.
Location 1location_1locationOpen Data/Socrata-generated geocoding information