Water Wells: Beginning 2000

data.ny.gov | Last Updated 6 Mar 2024

Water well construction data collected since April 2000 as required by ECL 15-1525.

Tags: water, well, water well, completion report, well log

This dataset has the following 16 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
DEC Well Numberdec_well_numbertextWell number assigned by DEC. The first one or two characters represent the abbreviation for the county in which the well is located. The remaining characters are sequential whole numbers.
Well Locationwell_locationtextDescription of well location. N/A indicates the value was not reported.
Street Namestreet_nametextStreet on which the well is located. N/A indicates the value was not reported.
TowntowntextTown where well is located.
CountycountytextCounty where well is located.
DEC Regiondec_regionnumberDEC Region where well is located.
Well Depth (Feet bgs)well_depth_feet_bgsnumberDepth to bottom of well (feet below ground surface). Blank indicates the value was not reported.
Depth to Bedrock (Feet bgs)depth_to_bedrock_feet_bgsnumberDepth to top of bedrock (feet below ground surface). ‘-999’ indicates that bedrock was not encountered. Blank indicates the value was not reported.
Depth to Groundwater (Feet bgs)depth_to_groundwater_feetnumberDepth to groundwater (feet below ground surface). Blank indicates the value was not reported.
Cased Depth (Feet bgs)cased_depth_feet_bgsnumberDepth to bottom of casing (feet below ground surface). Blank indicates the value was not reported.
ScreenedscreenedtextIs the well screened (Y/N).
Yield Test Average Discharge (gpm)yield_test_average_dischargenumberAverage discharge rate (gallons per minute). Blank indicates the value was not reported. Zero indicates no discharge.
Driller Registration Numberdriller_registration_numbertextRegistration number of drilling company.
LatitudelatitudenumberLatitude (decimal degrees), GCS_WGS_1984. Blank indicates the value was not reported or was removed from the dataset due to inaccuracy.
LongitudelongitudenumberLongitude (decimal degrees), GCS_WGS_1984. Blank indicates the value was not reported or was removed from the dataset due to inaccuracy.
GeoreferencegeoreferencepointOpen Data/Socrata-generated geocoding information from supplied address components.