Harmful Algal Blooms by Waterbody Summary: Beginning 2019

data.ny.gov | Last Updated 17 Apr 2024

Listing of harmful algal bloom occurrences by waterbody. Data from 2012-2018 available at https://data.ny.gov/Energy-Environment/Harmful-Algal-Bloom-Statewide-Occurrence-Summary-2/qtg2-hjth.

Tags: harmful algal bloom, blue green algal, health concerns, waterbodies in nys

This dataset has the following 10 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Waterbody Namewaterbody_nametextNYS DEC Waterbody Name
YearyearnumberYear Harmful Algal Bloom Reported
Bloom Typebloom_typetextThe letter codes below refer to maximum bloom status that was documented by the DEC HABs Program in each waterbody in each year. S (Suspicious Bloom): DEC staff determined that conditions fit the description of a cyanobacteria HAB based on visual observations and/or digital photographs; C (Confirmed Bloom): DEC staff determined that conditions fit the description of a cyanobacteria HAB based on visual observations and/or digital photographs or water sampling results have confirmed the presence of a cyanobacteria HAB which may produce toxins or other harmful compounds; HT (Confirmed with High Toxins Bloom): Water sampling results confirmed that there were toxins present in quantities to potentially cause health effects if people or animals came in contact with the water.
Date First Reportdate_first_reportcalendar_dateDate of first report for the year on NYHABS. See the DEC HABs Notification Page: https://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/83310.html
Date Last Reportdate_last_reportcalendar_dateDate of last report for the year on NYHABS. See the DEC HABs Notification Page: https://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/83310.html
Number of Reportsnumber_of_reportsnumberTotal Number of Reports for the year for that waterbody submitted through NYHABS
LatitudelatitudenumberLatitude Coordinates
LongitudelongitudenumberLongitude Coordinates
GeoreferencegeoreferencepointOpen Data/Socrata-generated geocoding information