State Park Facility Points | Last Updated 7 Dec 2020

The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) oversees more than 250 state parks, historic sites, recreational trails, golf courses, boat launches and more, encompassing nearly 350,000 acres, that are visited by 74 million people annually. These facilities contribute to the economic vitality and quality of life of local communities and directly support New York’s tourism industry. Parks also provide a place for families and children to be active and exercise, promoting healthy lifestyles. The agency is responsible for the operation and stewardship of the state park system as well as advancing a statewide parks, historic preservation, and open space mission.

Tags: parks, recreation, historic, golf, camping, nature centers

This dataset has the following 15 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
NamenametextName of State Park Facility
CategorycategorytextClassification of state park facility
RegionregionnumberState Park Region
CountycountytextName of County
GolfgolftextY/N value, indicates if the facility has golf available
CampcamptextY/N value, indicates if the facility has camping available
PlaygroundplaytextY/N value, indicates if the facility has a playground(s) available
Nature Centernature_centertextY/N value, indicates if the facility has a nature center available, Y-A value indicates that the nature center is open year-round
BeachbeachtextY/N value, indicates if the facility has a beach(s) available, Y-M value indicates the facility has multiple beaches
Facility URLfacility_urlurlURL of facility
Golf URLgolf_urlurlURL of golf course
Nature Center URLnaturecenter_urlurlURL of Nature Center
LongitudexnumberX coordinate of facility
LatitudeynumberY coordinate of facility