Synthesis of Environmental Mercury Loads in New York State (1969-2017): Sites | Last Updated 1 Jul 2024

This dataset includes information from a statewide synthesis effort, involving the compilation, analysis, and synthesis of existing data on environmental mercury (Hg) concentrations and loads in New York State, with an emphasis on Hg data collected during recent NYSERDA-sponsored monitoring and research efforts. Compiling existing mercury data is a vital step to understanding the broad spatial and temporal patterns of mercury across the landscape. This dataset includes information about the locations in which samples were collected and is one of eight datasets from the statewide synthesis database. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) offers objective information and analysis, innovative programs, technical expertise, and support to help New Yorkers increase energy efficiency, save money, use renewable energy, and accelerate economic growth. reduce reliance on fossil fuels. To learn more about NYSERDA’s programs, visit or follow us on X, Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram.

Tags: mercury, mercury synthesis, hg, atmospheric deposition, fish, bird

This dataset has the following 12 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Capture_Loccapture_loctextUnique spatial collection point identifier
Project_IDproject_idtextUnique project identifier
Project_Titleproject_titletextTitle of project
SiteNamesitenametextName of site where sample was collected from
TerritoryNameterritorynametextName of area at the site where the sample was collected from
LatitudelatitudenumberLatitude of data collection point
LongitudelongitudenumberLongitude of data collection point
Waterbody_Typewaterbody_typetextType of water body sample was collected from (ex. Canal, River, Spring, Lake, etc.). Inputs can also take the form of multiple waterbody types. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
StatestatetextState of site where sample was collected from
CountycountytextCounty of site where sample was collected from. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
RegionregiontextRegion of site where sample was collected from. Blank cells represent data that were not required or are not currently available.
GeorefencegeorefencepointOpen Data/Socrata-generated geocoding information from supplied address components