Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS), Seasonally Adjusted Data: Beginning 1976

data.ny.gov | Last Updated 19 Sep 2024

The Local Area Unemployment Statistics program estimates labor force statistics (labor force, employed, unemployment, unemployment rate) for New York State civilian labor force aged 16 and up. Seasonally adjusted estimates are provided for New York State, New York City, Balance of State.

Tags: labor force, employed, unemployed, unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted

This dataset has the following 7 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
AreaareatextGeographic resident area name. New York State, New York City, Balance of State, Metropolitan Statistical areas and the Nassau-Suffolk Metropolitan Division. Balance of State is New York State minus New York City.
YearyearnumberYear of data
MonthmonthnumberMonth of data (1 = January...12 = December)
Labor Forcelabor_forcenumberResident employment plus resident unemployment
EmployedemployednumberResident employment
UnemployedunemployednumberResident unemployment
Unemployment Rateunemployment_ratenumberUnemployment rate (percent) resident unemployment divided by resident labor force