Onondaga County Annual Budget: 2013

data.ny.gov | Last Updated 10 Jun 2019

The Onondaga County Annual Budget for all departmental appropriations and revenues by major category and fund type and fund. This data includes the name of the major appropriation and revenue categories, the fund type and fund as adopted by the County Legislature for the calendar year noted (2013).

Tags: budget, annual, county, onondaga county

This dataset has the following 10 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
YearyearnumberIdentifies the year of the dataset.
ScenarioscenariotextIdentifies the dataset scenario.
VersionversiontextIdentifies the dataset scenario version.
DepartmentdepartmenttextIdentifies the department for the project, fund and major category. This data set is an aggregate of all department data within the fund (if any).
ProjectprojecttextIdentifies the project for the department, fund and major category. This data set is an aggregate of all project data within the fund (if any).
FundfundtextIdentifies the fund for the department, project and major category. This data set includes an aggregate of all department and all project data within the fund (if any). Individual funds are itemized with an “F” followed by 6 digits and a fund name.
Item Typeitem_typetextThis column categorizes the item type 2 and item as an expense or revenue*. *See OnondagaCounty_AnnualBudget_DataDocument.pdf for more major item type account metadata detail.
Item Type 2item_type_2textThis column categorizes each item type further as either direct appropriation or interdepartmental appropriation for expense item types and as either direct revenue or interdepartmental revenue for revenue item types*. *See OnondagaCounty_AnnualBudget_Dat
ItemitemtextThis column categorizes the item type 2 into major direct and interdepartmental appropriation and revenue items for all departments and all projects by fund and fund type*. *See OnondagaCounty_AnnualBudget_DataDocument.pdf for more major item type account
AmountamountnumberThis column is the cumulative amount for each major category for all departments, all projects by fund and fund type.