Disbursement of Public Monies Bi-Monthly Report: Beginning 2019

data.ny.gov | Last Updated 25 Jul 2024

Public Monies are funds that have been designated for programs, grants or discretionary funds, but which have not been allocated by law to specific recipients and are not part of a Governmental Procurement. Disbursement of Public Monies Bi-Monthly Reports (‘DPM’) are required only if the Lobbyist already has at least one active Registration on file for non-public money lobbying, and the Lobbyist exceeds or anticipates exceeding an additional $5,000 related to Attempts to Influence the disbursement of Public Monies in excess of $15,000. DPM reports are filed in accordance with the same schedule applicable to Bi-monthly Reports, but are only required to be filed if DPM lobbying occurred during the applicable bi-monthly period.

Tags: disbursement, public monies, dpm, lobbying, contractual client, beneficial client, biennial, registration, bi-monthly report, transparency, compensation, expenses, lobbying disclosures, lobbyist, client, lobbying activity, state activities, municipal activities, targets, parties lobbied, coelig oct 2023 release

This dataset has the following 25 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Form Submission IDform_submission_idnumberForm identification number to help users distinguish how many rows of data are attributable to one distinct filing.
Reporting Yearreporting_yearnumberA Principal Lobbyist submits a Lobbyist Statement of Registration for a biennial (two-year) period. Example: 2021-2022; 2023-2024. The reporting year distinguishes which year of the biennial period the specific filing is submitted for.
Filing Typefiling_typetextOutput options are: ‘Original’; or ‘Amendment’. Distinguishes between an original filing or an amended filing.
Reporting Periodreporting_periodtextEach Bi-Monthly report contains information for a two-month period of lobbying activity. Bi-Monthly reporting periods are: Jan/Feb; Mar/Apr; May/June; July/Aug; Sep/Oct; and Nov/Dec. Disbursement of Public Monies Bi-Monthly Reports are only required if the Principal Lobbyist has submitted at least one active Registration and (corresponding Bi-Monthly) for any Client, exceeds the thresholds applicable to Public Monies reporting, and if attempts to influence the Disbursement of Public Monies occurred during the relevant Bi-Monthly filing period.
Principal Lobbyist Nameprincipal_lobbyist_nametextOrganization or individual name. An individual or organization that is retained to lobby for a client, or that is lobbying on its own behalf. The Principal Lobbyist is registered in LA for a biennial (two-year) period and is required to submit Bi-Monthly reports detailing the lobbying activities that occurred during each Bi-Monthly Reporting period.
Contractual Client Namecontractual_client_nametextOrganization or individual name. The name of the individual or organization that retains the services of a Principal Lobbyist for the benefit of itself or another.
Beneficial Client Namebeneficial_client_nametextOrganization or individual name. The specific individual or organization on whose behalf and at whose request or behest Lobbying Activity is conducted. Beneficial Clients are generally referred to as the ‘true client’ as they are directly benefiting from the lobbying activity. A Beneficial Client and Contractual Client can be, and often are, the same. However, multiple Beneficial Clients can be listed on one report.
Co-Lobbyistco_lobbyisttextOrganization or individual name. All Lobbyists who are retained by a Client on the same single retainer agreement or contract are Co-Lobbyists and must file individual Lobbying reports with the Commission.
Sub-Lobbyistsub_lobbyisttextOrganization or individual name. A Sub-Lobbyist is a Lobbyist who is engaged to perform services by another Lobbyist, as part of an agreement between the main Lobbyist and a Contractual Client. There are separate retainer agreements or contracts: one between the main Lobbyist and Client, and one between the main Lobbyist and Sub Lobbyist to do a portion of the lobbying that the main Lobbyist has agreed to perform on behalf of the Client.
Individual Lobbyistsindividual_lobbyiststextThe first and last name of the individual(s) who personally engages in Direct or Grassroots Lobbying. Generally, these individuals either work for or are designated by the Principal Lobbyist and can include individuals lobbying on their own behalf.
Current Period Compensationcurrent_period_compensationnumberDollar amount. All direct or indirect payments of salaries or other things of value provided to a Lobbyist in exchange for Lobbying or services that are otherwise in furtherance of lobbying activity during the applicable Bi-Monthly Reporting Period.
Current Period Reimbursementcurrent_period_reimbursementnumberDollar amount. The aggregate value of all Expenses (regardless of value of the individual Expenses) that were reimbursed by the Client.
DPM Expense Typedpm_expense_typetextIndividual or Organization. Indicates whether an Itemized Expense is paid to an Individual or an Organization. If an Itemized Expense is paid to an Organization on behalf of an Individual (or Individuals), additional information entitled an “Expense Detail” is required and includes: • Name of individual(s) (Multiple individuals can be added) Title and Employer; • Amount of Detailed Expense that is attributed to the individual listed.
Expense paid toexpense_paid_totextOrganization or individual name. The name of the Individual or Organization the itemized expense was paid to.
Expense Amountexpense_amounttextDollar amount. Any expense over $75 must be reported as an Itemized Expense, reporting the payee, nature of expense, and value.
DPM Expense Purposedpm_expense_purposetextPre-defined descriptions of the purpose of an itemized expense. 1. Advertising – Billboards Expenses related to purchasing and maintaining a billboard advertisement. 2. Advertising – Consulting Expenses related to hiring a consultant for the purpose of using their expertise in evaluating advertising, public relations, communications and/or marketing goals. 3. Advertising – Design Services for Media Buy Expenses related to hiring and utilizing the services of a graphic designer. 4. Advertising – Flyers/Posters Expenses related to staff time spent creating, designing, purchasing, and printing flyers and posters. 5. Advertising – Media Relations and Strategy Expenses related to the analysis of specific advertising goals for the purpose of developing a targeted media relations strategy related to Lobbying or advocacy efforts. 6. Advertising – Multi-Platform Media Buy (Print, Online, TV, Web) Expenses related to purchasing advertisements that include multiple platforms such as print, television, and online advertising. (i.e. purchasing an advertisement in the Times Union print newspaper and online web edition). 7. Advertising – Newspaper Inserts Expenses related to the design, development (including staff time), and market research related to the purchase and distribution of newspaper inserts. 8. Advertising – Print Media/Publishing fees over $500 Expenses related to printing and publishing materials for advertising that is more than $500. 9. Advertising – Social Media Platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) Expenses related to the design and execution of advertisements posted to Social Media accounts including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. 10. Advertising – Television Expenses related to airing advertisements on television stations/channels. 11. Advocacy – Civic Engagement/Community Organizing Expenses related to staff time preparing a community event where lobbying activity will occur. 12. Advocacy – Email marketing/Email blasts Expenses related to the design, purchase of software applications/licenses, development and target audience research related to email marketing and mass emails. 13. Advocacy – Expenses Related to Hiring an Outside Firm to Handle Administrative Tasks Expenses related to the hiring of an outside entity to complete administrative tasks related to lobbying such as scheduling meetings. 14. Advocacy – Legislative Bill Tracking Expenses related to subscriptions fees or hiring law firms to track legislative bills on search engines such as: Legislative Retrieval System (LRS), and State Watch. 15. Advocacy – Legislative Research Expenses related to subscriptions to legal search engines such as West Group or Lexis, POLITICO or hiring law firms to conduct Legislative Research. 16. Advocacy – Mass Mailings/Bulk Mailing Expenses related to the purchase of supplies and staff time spent developing and preparing mass/bulk mailings. 17. Advocacy – Phone Advocacy Expenses related to organizing, paying staff/volunteers, phone equipment and service fees related to phone advocacy efforts. 18. Advocacy – Postage and/or Printing over $500 Expenses related to postage, printing and mailing items valued more than $500. 19. Advocacy – Technology (cellphones, iPad, hotspots) Expenses related to purchasing devices, data plans, and internet services/personal hotspots to be used specifically for Lobbying Activities. 20. Social Event – Booth Rentals/Meeting Space Fees Expenses related to renting a conference space and/or booth table for a Lobby Day or other social event. 21. Social Event – Buses/transportation for Lobby Day Expenses related to transportation (bus, train, rental cars) of volunteers and staff members but NOT LOBBYISTS to a Lobby Day or other social event. 22. Social Event – Catering/Meals for Lobby Day Expenses related to supplying food for attendees of a Lobby Day. 23. Social Event – Civic Engagement/Community Organizing Expenses related to staff time planning and preparing for a Lobby Day or other social event. 24. Social Event – Consulting Expenses related to hiring an event planner or organizer for Lobby Day or other social event. 25. Social Event – Equipment and A/V Rentals Expenses related to the rental and usage of technology and audio-visual equipment for a Lobby Day or other social event. 26. Social Event – Event Sponsorship Expenses related to the act of supporting an individual, organization or event financially for the purpose of creating exposure to a brand or set of issues, access to attendee information, and/or speaking opportunities. 27. Social Event – Lodging Expenses related to hotel reservations and accommodations for staff and volunteers who attend a Lobby Day or other social event. 28. Social Event – Parking fees Expenses related to fees for parking for a Lobby Day or other social event. 29. Social Event – Print fees over $500 Expenses related to printing of name badges, and informational materials/pamphlets distributed at a Lobby Day or other social event. 30. Social Event – Promotional Materials Expenses related to the creation and purchase of materials used to promote an organizations message during a Lobby Day or other social event, such as shirts, hats, mugs, pencils and stress balls. 31. Social Event – Rallies Expenses related to staff time for setting up and organizing a Rally. 32. Social Event – Reception/Banquet Expenses related to staff time organizing a reception, renting out the banquet space, and catering/food expenses. 33. Social Event – Rental Fees Expenses related to renting equipment such as microphones and tables for events such as a Lobby Day or other social event. 34. Social Event – Travel Reimbursement (Train, Airfare, Car, Hotel) Expenses related to reimbursing staff and or volunteers for travel expenses they paid for themselves. 35. Social Event – Volunteer Training Expenses related to organizing and holding training events for volunteers prior to an event, such as a Lobby Day or other social event. 36. Social Media – Media Relations and Strategy Expenses related to hiring an individual or company to establish and/or oversee an organization’s social media presence. 37. Social Media – Online Advocacy (sponsored posts) Expenses related to search engine optimization and sponsoring, such as expenses incurred to create, or promote or place content on social media. This would also include the cost of hiring an individual to place content related to the Organization on the individual’s own Social Media accounts based on the individual’s popularity on social media (i.e., an “influencer”).
DPM Expense Datedpm_expense_datetextDate formatted mm/dd/yyyy. Date the expense was incurred.
Type of Lobbying Relationshiptype_of_lobbying_relationshiptextOutput options are: Employed or Retained. This describes the Type of Lobbying Relationship between the Principal Lobbyist and the Contractual Client. • If Employed is selected, the Contractual Client and Principal Lobbyist are the same. An Employed designation is when an organization is lobbying on their own behalf. • If Retained is selected, a lobbying organization has been engaged to lobby for the benefit of an unaffiliated Contractual Client.
Level of Governmentlevel_of_governmenttextOutput options are: State, Municipal, or Both (State and Municipal). Level of Government lobbied.
Description of the DPMdescription_of_the_dpmtextDescription of the grant, loan, or agreement involving the disbursement of Public Monies on which the Lobbyist has lobbied.
Government Bodygovernment_bodytextEvery ‘Party’ listed in the LA Database contains two components: the ‘Government Body’ and the main ‘Party’ name. Every ‘Party’ name is categorized into specific Government Bodies. Below is a list of all government bodies represented in LA available for the Bi-monthly. • A communication sent to entire Senate; • A communication sent to entire Assembly; • A communication sent to entire Legislature (includes all members of the Senate and Assembly); • A communication sent to all NYC Council Members; • A communication sent to an entire specific county Legislature (Example: Albany County Legislature); • Senate Committee; • Assembly Committee; • State Agency; • NYS Assembly; • NYS Senate; • Executive Chamber; • NYS School Districts; • State and Local Public Authorities and Local Development Corporations; • NYC Council Members and County Legislators; • Industrial Development Agency; • Village; • Town; • City; • County; • Improvement/Special Districts: o County Special District; o Town Special District; o Consolidated Health District; o Fire District; o Independent Special District.
Parties Lobbiedparties_lobbiedtextThe ‘targets’ of lobbying activity. The people and/or entities Filers are attempting to influence. Parties Lobbied are selected from a drop-down list . The LA Database includes a list of ‘Party Names’ that, if selected, do not require any additional information from the Filer. This includes, but is not limited to, the names of every State Legislator and Legislative Committee (and ‘staff member’ of every such Legislator and Committee), the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Executive Chamber, and New York City Council Members.
First and Last Name OR Title of Person Lobbiedfirst_and_last_name_or_title_of_person_lobbiedtextCertain ‘Party Names’, when selected from the LA Database, require filers to include additional information. First and last name – OR – title of the person lobbied associated to the specified Party Lobbied.
Unit, Division, Department or Social Media Platform Lobbiedunit_division_department_or_social_media_platform_lobbiedtextCertain ‘Party Names’, when selected from the LA Database, require filers to include additional information. Unit, Division, Department Lobbied – OR – Social Media Platform associated to the specified Party Lobbied.
Unique IDunique_idtextThis information is used for internal and technical data identification purposes only. It is not part of the filing information reported by the filer.