Campaign Finance - FPPC Form 460 - Schedule E - Payments Made | Last Updated 8 Sep 2024

This dataset includes all itemized payments made ($100 or more) e-filed on Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Form 460 Schedule "E" Payments Made from 2011 to the present. The data is current as of the last modified date on this dataset. See the data key for column definitions:

Tags: ethics, campaign, finance, payments, expenditures, fppc, form, 460

This dataset has the following 65 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Filer_IDfiler_idtextID number of Filer
Filer_NamLfiler_namltextName of Filer
Report_Numreport_numnumberReport Number 000 - Original Report 001-999 - Amended Report #1-999
Committee_Typecommittee_typetextCommittee Type
Rpt_Daterpt_datecalendar_dateDate this Report is Filed
From_Datefrom_datecalendar_dateReporting Period From Date
Thru_Datethru_datecalendar_dateReporting Date Thru Period
Elect_Dateelect_datecalendar_dateDate of General Election
tblCover_Office_Cdtblcover_office_cdtextOffice Sought Code
tblCover_Offic_Dscrtblcover_offic_dscrtextOffice Sought Description; required if Office_Cd=OTH
Rec_Typerec_typetextRecord Type
Form_Typeform_typetextType of Filing or Form set
Tran_IDtran_idtextTransaction ID - permanent value unique to this item
Entity_Cdentity_cdtextEntity Code
Payee_NamLpayee_namltextPayee Last Name
Payee_NamFpayee_namftextPayee First Name
Payee_NamTpayee_namttextPayee Prefix or Title
Payee_NamSpayee_namstextPayee Suffix
Payee_Adr1payee_adr1textPayee Address
Payee_Adr2payee_adr2textPayee Address
Payee_Citypayee_citytextPayee City
Payee_Statepayee_statetextPayee State
Payee_Zip4payee_zip4textPayee Zipcode
Expn_Dateexpn_datecalendar_dateDate of Expenditure
AmountamountnumberAmount Paid
Cum_YTDcum_ytdnumberCumulative Amount Year to Date
Expn_ChkNoexpn_chknotextCheck Number
Expn_Codeexpn_codetextExpenditure Code
Expn_Dscrexpn_dscrtextPurpose of Expense and/or Description
Agent_NamLagent_namltextAgent or Ind. Contrator's Last Name
Agent_NamFagent_namftextAgent or Ind. Contrator's First Name
Agent_NamTagent_namttextAgent or Ind. Contrator's Prefix or Title
Agent_NamSagent_namstextAgent or Ind. Contrator's Suffix
Cmte_IDcmte_idtextCommittee ID
Tres_NamLtres_namltextTreasurer or Responsible Officer's Last Name
Tres_NamFtres_namftextTreasurer or Responsible Officer's First Name
Tres_NamTtres_namttextTreasurer or Responsible Officer's Prefix or Title
Tres_NamStres_namstextTreasurer or Responsible Officer's Suffix
Tres_Adr1tres_adr1textTreasurer or Responsible Officer's Address
Tres_Adr2tres_adr2textTreasurer or Responsible Officer's Address
Tres_Citytres_citytextTreasurer or Responsible Officer's City
Tres_STtres_sttextTreasurer or Responsible Officer's State
Tres_ZIP4tres_zip4textTreasurer or Responsible Officer's Zipcode
Cand_NamLcand_namltextCandidate's Last Name
Cand_NamFcand_namftextCandidate's First Name
Cand_NamTcand_namttextCandidate's Prefix or Title
Cand_NamScand_namstextCandidate's Suffix
Office_Cdoffice_cdtextOffice Sought Code
Offic_Dscroffic_dscrtextOffice Sought Description; required if Office_Cd=OTH
Juris_Cdjuris_cdtextOffice Jursidiction Code
Juris_Dscrjuris_dscrtextOffice Jursidiction Description
Dist_Nodist_notextOffice District Number
Off_S_H_Cdoff_s_h_cdtextOffice Sought/Held Code H=Held; S=Sought
Bal_Namebal_nametextBallot Measure Name
Bal_Numbal_numtextBallot Number or Letter
Bal_Jurisbal_juristextBallot Jurisdiction
Sup_Opp_Cdsup_opp_cdtextSupport/Oppose? S=Support O=Oppose
Memo_Codememo_codetextMemo Amount
Memo_RefNomemo_refnotextMemo Reference Number
BakRef_TIDbakref_tidtextTran_ID of parent transaction of this child transaction. Generally used on intermediary types of transactions.
G_From_E_Fg_from_e_ftextSchedule G transaction coming from a schedule E or F of form 460.
XRef_SchNmxref_schnmtextReferenced schedule where parent transaction can be found (Schedule name).
XRef_Matchxref_matchtextRelated item on other Schedule has same Tran_ID. X=Yes, blank=No.