Use of Force | Last Updated 1 Oct 2018

This Indicator measures the rate of use of force on subjects per 100,000 people in Oakland by race/ethnicity. Note: There were 10 incidents of use of force that were on a crowd. For these incidents, the number and race/ethnicity of subjects were not available. Therefore, each was counted as one incident in the Citywide total. This will somewhat undercount the true total of people subjected to use of force and will potentially misrepresent the true racial and ethnic breakdown as well.

Tags: equity, race, report, equity indicators, racial equity oakland, equity data, racial equity reports, oakland, public safety, police, force

This dataset has the following 5 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
Number of use of force subjectsnumber_of_use_of_forcenumber
Population of Oaklandpopulation_of_oaklandnumber
Rate per 100,000 people in Oaklandrate_per_100_000_people_innumber