Parking Citations 2018 | Last Updated 21 Aug 2019

Parking citations in Oakland from 2018. Data has been cleaned of personal information but data entry errors still remain. Approximately ~89% of citation addresses matched when geocoded. Refer to Status and Score fields to determine estimated accuracy.

Tags: parking, citations

This dataset has the following 16 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
StatusstatustextCodes: Matched, Unmatched, and Tied. Tied indicates multiple addresses at different locations returned the same best match score
ScorescorenumberAddress match score
Match_addrmatch_addrtextAddress used to find location of Geo_addr
Addr_typeaddr_typetextType of address that was geocoded
SidesidetextSide of Street
Ticket_Noticket_nonumberTicket ID
Ticket_Issueticket_issuecalendar_dateTicket date
Ticket_Timeticket_timetextTicket time
ViolationviolationtextOakland municipal violation code
ST_Nost_nonumberStreet Number
ST_Namest_nametextStreet Name
ST_Suffixst_suffixtextStreet Suffix
Fine_Amtfine_amtnumberCitation fine amount
Geo_addrgeo_addrtextGeocoded Address
LatitudelatitudenumberDecimal degrees
LongitudelongitudenumberDecimal degrees