Oakland Bikeway Projects

data.oaklandca.gov | Last Updated 24 Sep 2024

To download a projected shapefile of this dataset, please click "Download Projected Shapefile: Oakland Bikeway Projects" under "Attachments" below. Active and completed bikeway striping and path projects from 1996 to the present, as well as a subset of future projects, current through June 30, 2024, and last updated September 24, 2024. This dataset is updated twice annually in January and July.

Tags: bikeway bikeways bike path bike lane bikeway network

This dataset has the following 16 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
StatusstatustextActive or Completed
StreetstreettextPrimary street where bikeway improvements are (to be) installed
Bikeway_Tybikeway_tytextPrimary bikeway type: Path, lane, buffered bike lane, separated bike lane, bicycle boulevard, sharrows
PavingGenepavinggenetextPaving included in project?
AnticipateyearanticipatenumberAnticipated year of construction
YearDoneyeardonetextYear of construction
MonthDonemonthdonetextMonth of construction
KeyCorridokeycorridotexta planning designation to identify long-distance bikeways
CategorycategorytextType of project, e.g. capital improvement, striping, sewer, etc.
LaneMileslanemilesnumberThe total number of lane miles of all the bikeway types included in project
ProjectTypprojecttyptextNew, upgrade, restripe