Active Businesses - County Data | Last Updated 2 May 2024

Listing of All Active Business. The data displayed is based on the Principal Place of Business residing in Oregon only. The county was determined by a City-Zip combination.

Tags: active, business, county

This dataset has the following 10 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Registry Numberregistry_numbernumber
Registry Dateregistry_datecalendar_date
Anniversary Dateanniversary_datecalendar_dateDate Renewal is Due
Business Namebusiness_nametext
EntityTypee_typetextEntity Type
PPB CitycitytextCity of Principal Place of Business
PPB StatestatetextOnly Oregon PPB are included in this dataset
PPB ZipzipnumberZip code for Principal Place of Business
PPB CityZipcityziptext
PPB CountycountytextLookup Based on City Zip combination