WCB Review Requests

data.oregon.gov | Last Updated 9 Mar 2018

Workers' Compensation Board disputes data. This contains statistics for the Hearings Division, Board Review, and OR Court of Appeals. This data is a continuation of the disputes section of the biennial "Report on the Oregon Workers' Compensation System".

Tags: hearings, board review, court of appeals, coa

This dataset has the following 27 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Hearings Div. Requestshearings_div_requestsnumberThe count of requests for a hearing with the Hearings Division at WCB during the period.
Hearings Div. Ordershearings_div_ordersnumberThe count of orders issued by the Hearings division of WCB during the period.
Hearings Div. Appeal Rateshearings_div_appeal_rate_to_board_reviewnumberThe percentage of the Hearing Division orders appealed to Board Review.
Hearings Div Issue: PPDhearings_div_orders_are_permanent_disabilitynumberCounts of Hearing orders dealing with permanent disability.
Hearings Div Issue: Claim denialhearings_div_orders_are_claim_denialnumberThe count of Hearing orders dealing with Claim denial by the insurer.
Hearings Div Issue: Partial denialhearings_div_orders_are_partial_denialnumberCount of Hearing orders dealing with the partial denial by the insurer of the claim.
Hearings Div Issue: Insurer penaltyhearings_div_orders_are_insurer_penaltynumberCounts of Hearing orders dealing with a penalty on the insurer set at a lower level of review.
Hearings Div. Mediations completedhearings_div_mediations_completednumberThe count of mediations completed by the Hearings division during the time period. Mediations between the involved parties are one way a dispute can be handled and are mediated by Administrative Law Judges of WCBs Hearings division.
Hearings Div. Med.: Percent settledhearings_div_percent_settlednumberThe percentage of mediations where settlement was reached during the period.
Hearing Div. Med.: % resolved by DCShearing_div_mediations_of_settlements_resolved_by_dcsnumberPercentage of mediations that were settled by a Disputed Claim Settlement (DCS) during the period.
Hearings Div Med.: Disease issuehearings_div_mediations_are_disease_issuenumberCount of mediations dealing with occupational disease during the period.
Hearings Div Med.: Compensability issuehearings_div_mediations_are_compensability_issuenumberThe count of mediations dealing with compensability of the claim.
Hearings Div Med.: Non-WCB issueshearings_div_mediations_are_non_wcb_issuesnumberThe count of mediations dealing with non-WCB issues. These would include employment rights, WCD issues, torts, contracts, and other civil actions.
Board Review Requestsboard_review_requestsnumberCount of request for Board Review during the period
Board Review Ordersboard_review_ordersnumberCount of orders issued by the Board at Board Review during the period.
Board Review Appeal ratesboard_review_appeal_rates_to_coanumberThe percentage of the Board Review orders appealed to the Oregon Court of Appeals.
Board Own Motion ordersboard_own_motion_ordersnumberCount of the Board Own Motion reviews completed during the period.
Court of Appeals Requestscourt_of_appeals_requestsnumberCount of request on WCB orders for Oregon Court of Appeals (COA) review during the period. The Oregon Court of Appeals is Oregon's intermediate appellate court. It receives every appeal or judicial review taken from Oregon's trial courts and administrative agencies including the Workers' Compensation Board.
Court of Appeals Remandscourt_of_appeals_remandsnumberCount of remands passed down by the COA on WCB order disputes. A remand is where the higher court sends the lower courts order back to it for reconsideration or the taking of additional evidence.
Court of Appeals Decisionscourt_of_appeals_decisionsnumberCount of decisions on WCB order disputes handed down by the COA.
Median days DOI to Hearings Div. ordermedian_days_doi_to_order_hearings_divnumberThe median length of time in days from Date of injury (DOI) to the WCB Hearings division order.
Median days DOI to Board Review ordermedian_days_doi_to_order_board_reviewnumberThe median length of time in days from the Date of Injury (DOI) to the WCB Board Review order.
Median days DOI to Court of Appeals decisionmedian_days_doi_to_decision_court_of_appealsnumberMedian length of time in days from the Date of Injury (DOI) to the Oregon Court of Appeals decision.
Median days Hearins Div. request to ordermedian_days_request_to_order_hearings_divnumberThe median length of time in days from the request for hearing to the Hearings Division order.
Median days Board Review request to ordermedian_days_request_to_order_board_reviewnumberThe median length of time in days from the request for Board Review to the Board Review order.
Median days Court of Appeals request to decisionmedian_days_request_to_decision_court_of_appealsnumberThe median length of time in days from the COA review request dat to the COA decision.