Workers' Compensation Indemnity PPD Data | Last Updated 28 Jul 2023

Oregon workers' compensation paid indemnity data. The data is presented in the Department of Consumer and Business Services report at The attached pdf provides definitions of the data. Workers’ compensation pays PPD benefits for the permanent loss of use or function of any portion of the body resulting from a compensable injury. PPD benefits are based on the benefits in statute at the time of injury, not the date of the award. These PPD data are reported by the year of the last claim closure. The average awards include the initial awards made by insurers and the net amounts awarded during the appeal process. Data will change as claims are opened and closed over time. The structure of PPD benefits underwent a major change in 2005. Prior to 2005, the benefits were based on statutory lists of scheduled and unscheduled body parts. For claims with injuries since 1/1/2005, the permanent impairment of all body parts and systems is rated in relation to the whole person. The benefit is based on the statewide average weekly wage multiplied by the percentage of impairment. Workers who have not been released to regular work are also entitled to a work disability award in addition to their impairment award.

Tags: workers' compensation, indemnity benefits, permanent partial disability, ppd, oregon

This dataset has the following 11 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Closed claims with PPDclosed_claims_with_ppdnumberThe number of resolved claims during the year with PPD awards. PPD awards can be made by insurers or ordered during the appeals process
Percent of closed claims with PPDpercent_of_closed_claims_with_ppdnumberThe percentage of all closed claims with PPD awarded.
Average PPD awardaverage_ppd_awardnumberThe average amount paid for all resolved claims with PPD awards.
Pre-2005 PPD claimspre_2005_ppd_claimsnumberThe total number of PPD claims with DOI prior to 1/1/2005.
Post-2005 PPD claimspost_2005_ppd_claimsnumberThe total number of PPD claims with DOI since 1/1/2005.
Post-2005 Impairment-only claimspost_2005_impairment_only_claimsnumberThe number of impairment-only PPD claims with DOI since 1/1/2005.
Post-2005. imp.-only claims, average PPDpost_2005_imp_only_claims_average_ppdnumberThe average PPD paid on impairment-only PPD claims with DOI since 1/1/2005.
Post-2005 work disability claimspost_2005_work_disability_claimsnumberThe number of work disability PPD claims (both impairment and work disability) with DOI since 1/1/2005.
Post-2005 WD claims, average impairment awardpost_2005_wd_claims_average_impairment_awardnumberThe average impairment amount paid for work disability PPD claims with DOI since 1/1/2005.
Post-2005 WD claims, average work disability awardpost_2005_wd_claims_average_work_disability_awardnumberThe average work disability amount paid for work disability PPD claims with DOI since 1/1/2005.