COVID-19 Vaccinations by Zip Code by Coverage Current Health NO FURTHER UPDATES | Last Updated 8 May 2024

Weekly updates have finished with the June 28th update. This dataset contains aggregate data of COVID vaccines administered to citizens based on zip code of residence. Data includes counts of individuals who received a vaccine dose that provides partial coverage against the disease and counts of individuals that received a vaccine dose that provides full coverage against the disease. Suppression applies for quantities less than 5. Data only includes information reported to PA-SIIS, the Pennsylvania Statewide Immunization Information System.<br> Effective 7/9/2021, the COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard is updated to more accurately reflect the number of people who are partially and fully vaccinated in each county outside of Philadelphia, along with the demographics of those receiving vaccine. For state-to-state comparisons refer to the CDC vaccine data tracker located here:

Tags: doh, health, covid, vaccine, vaccination, coverage, resident

This dataset has the following 4 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Patient Zip Codepatient_zip_codetextZip code where patient resides
Partially CoveredpartiallycoverednumberQuantity of individuals who have received a vaccine that provides partial coverage against COVID disease
Fully CoveredfullycoverednumberQuantity of individuals who have received a vaccine that provides full coverage against COVID disease
Georeferenced Latitude & Longitudegeoreferenced_latitude_longitudepoint