Safe Drinking Water Sample Results Information Systems Pennsylvania 2010 - Current Environmental Protection | Last Updated 21 Feb 2022

Pennsylvania collects and manages public drinking water system information in the Pennsylvania Drinking Water Information System (PADWIS). <br> The data includes water system inventory information, drinking water sample results for testing required by the regulations and violations of PA Safe Drinking Water Regulations, pertaining to monitoring/reporting requirements, MCL exceedances, and treatment techniques. Much of this data is searchable via the website. This set contains drinking water sample results reported on behalf of Pennsylvania’s regulated public water supplies. The data is updated quarterly.

Tags: water, drink, sdwis, dep, public water, environment, test

This dataset has the following 17 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
Public Water System Namewater_system_nametextPublic Water System Name
Public Water System IDwater_sytem_idtextPublic Water System ID
ActivityactivitytextCurrent System Activity
Public Water System Typewater_system_typetextType of Public Water System
Population ServedpopulationtextPopulation Served by the Water System
Location IDlocation_idtextSample Location ID
Sample Typesample_typetextType of Sample: Check Samples Are Collected to Confirm the Result of Some Type of Routine Sample (Entry Point or Distribution), Distribution Samples are collected from locations within the Distribution System, Entry Point Samples Are Collected After All Treatment and Required Disinfectant Contact Time, Filter Samples Are Collected After an Individual Filter, Maximum Residence Samples Are Collected From the Location in the Distribution System with Maximum Water Residence Time, Plant Samples Are Collected at a Point After Some Treatment but Prior to the Entry Point, Raw Samples Are Collected Prior to Any Treatment, Special Samples Are Not Necessarily Collected at a Required Location or as Required by a Regulation
Date Sample Collecteddate_sample_collectedcalendar_dateDate Sample Collected
Completed Analysis Dateanalysis_datecalendar_dateData Sample Analysis Was Completed
Sample Received Datesample_received_datecalendar_dateDate Result was Received by the Department
Contaminant Group IDgroup_idtextContaminant Group ID: DDBP – Disinfectants and Disinfection By Products, Filt – Surface Water Treatment Rule, IOC - Inorganic Contaminants, LCR – Lead/Copper Rule, LT2 – Surface Water Treatment Rule, NTRT – Nitrate/Nitrite, Othr – A Contaminant That Doesn’t Fall Specifically Into One of the other Groups, PERF – Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, RAD – Radionuclide Rule, SEC – Secondary Inorganic Contaminants, SOC - Synthetic Organic Contaminants, TCR – Total Coliform Rule or Revised Total Coliform Rule, UIOC – Unregulated Inorganic Contaminants, USOC – Unregulated Synthetic Organic Contaminants, VOC - Volatile Organic Contaminants
Contaminant NamecontaminanttextContaminant Name. 0999 is Free Chlorine and 100 is Turbidity
Measure Resultmeasure_resulttextAnalysis Result, Generally Units Are in MG/L, Exceptions: Coliform Bacteria - Presence (1)/Absence (0) or Count/100 mL, RAD Contaminants - pCi/L, Turbidity - NTU, Cryptosporidum – Oocysts/L, PERF - NG/L
Analysis Methodanalysis_methodtextAnalysis Method
Analyzing Laboratory Namelab_nametextName of Analyzing Laboratory
Laboratory Idlab_idtextAnalyzing Laboratory ID
County Namecounty_nametextName of County Where Water System is Located