Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole Reentrant Employment Status CY 2018 - Current Monthly County Corrections | Last Updated 27 Oct 2022

This is a monthly Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole reentrant employment status by county starting in the calendar year of January 2018 - current. Updates will be loaded monthly as they become available. Reentrant is a former inmate who is on parole. Former referred to as a parolee.

Tags: workforce, probation, parole, doc, pbpp, reentry, re-entry, criminal, justice, employment, correction

This dataset has the following 19 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
State FIPS Codestate_fipstextThese are the first 2 digits of the 5-digit Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code that designate the State association. Each State has its own 2-digit number and each County within the state has its own 3-digit number which are combined into a 5-digit number to uniquely identify every US county. For more technical details : Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) are issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) after approval by the Secretary of Commerce pursuant to Section 111 (d) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 as amended by the Computer Security Act of 1987, Public Law 100-235. Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 6-4, Counties and Equivalent Entities of the U.S., Its Possessions, and Associated Areas -- 90 Aug 31 , provides the names and codes that represent the counties and other entities treated as equivalent legal and/or statistical subdivisions of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the possessions and freely associated areas of the United States. Counties are considered to be the "first-order subdivisions" of each State and statistically equivalent entity, regardless of their local designations (county, parish, borough, etc.). Information gathered from census data -
County FIPS Codecounty_fipstextThe FIPS county code is a five-digit Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code (FIPS 6-4) which uniquely identifies counties and county equivalents in the United States, certain U.S. possessions, and certain freely associated states. This is the 3-digit part of the 5-digit county FIPS code specifically standing for the county.
CountycountytextPennsylvania County from which the inmate was sentenced to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections
Full Timefull_timenumberTotal number of reentrants employed full time. Reentrant is a former inmate who is on parole. Former referred to as a parolee.
Part Timepart_timenumberTotal number of reentrants employed part time. Reentrant is a former inmate who is on parole. Former referred to as a parolee.
Unable to Workunable_to_worknumberTotal number of reentrants unable to work. Reentrant is a former inmate who is on parole. Former referred to as a parolee.
Unemployed but able to workunemployed_but_able_to_worknumberTotal number of reentrants unemployed but able to work. Reentrant is a former inmate who is on parole. Former referred to as a parolee.
Unemployed with Unearned Incomeunemployed_with_unearnednumberTotal number of reentrants unemployed with unearned income. Reentrant is a former inmate who is on parole. Former referred to as a parolee.
StudentstudentnumberTotal number of reentrants who are students. Reentrant is a former inmate who is on parole. Former referred to as a parolee.
UnknownunknownnumberTotal number of reentrants whose employment status is unknown. Reentrant is a former inmate who is on parole. Former referred to as a parolee.
TotaltotalnumberTotal number of reentrants when the data was ran per the month and year columns. Reentrant is a former inmate who is on parole. Former referred to as a parolee.
MonthmonthtextThe month the data was ran and the counts were compiled
YearyeartextThe year that goes with the month the data was ran and the counts were compiled
Month and Year Datemn_yrcalendar_dateMonth and Year of the data combined field as a date column
County Code Numbercounty_code_numbernumberA number field for the County from which the inmate was sentenced to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections
County Codecounty_codetextA text field for the County from which the inmate was sentenced to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. This field can aid in combining other data files that have the state county field. The FIPS fields can also be used as a key to combine other files that are aggregated by county.
LatitudelatitudenumberIf the Latitude point is null, then the county is unknown. This is a generic point for latitude in each county to give the ability to create visualizations such as map layers. The latitude for the state of Pennsylvanian will fall to the south east of Pennsylvania actually in Maryland so that the information for a statewide total can also be displayed on a map layer without affecting information in another county.
LongitudelongitudenumberIf the Longitude point is null, then the county is unknown. This is a generic point for longitude in each county to give the ability to create visualizations such as map layers. The longitude for the state of Pennsylvanian will fall to the south east of Pennsylvania actually in Maryland so that the information for a statewide total can also be displayed on a map layer without affecting information in another county.
Georeferenced Latitude & Longitudegeocoded_columnpointGeoreferenced column for use in creating mapping visualizations with both a generic latitude and longitude of the county. The longitude and latitude for the state of Pennsylvanian will fall to the south east of Pennsylvania actually in Maryland so that the information for a statewide total can also be displayed on a map layer without affecting information in another county.