Industry Certifications Offered By Career and Technical Education Programs SY 2016-2022 - Current Education | Last Updated 24 Jul 2022

This dataset contains the Industry Certifications offered by each secondary Career and Technical Education (CTE) program for 2016 school year to the current period. For additional information on Career and Technical Education visit <a href="">Career and Technical Education</a>.

Tags: education, pde, industry, cip, certificate, train, workforce, workforce development, career

This dataset has the following 7 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
School Yearschool_yeartextThe beginning year and ending year for the school period.
Educating AUNeducating_auntextAdministrative Unit Number (AUN) assigned to the Local Education Agency (LEA).
CIP Locationcip_locationtextThe unique, PDE-defined, 4-digit school code assigned to the school that owns the CTE program approval or registered adult affidavit program reported for this student in Field 6 (CIP CODE) of this template.
CIP Loation Namecip_loation_nametextName of the school.
CIP Codecip_codetextThe 6-digit Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code that identifies the approved reimbursable secondary CTE program or adult affidavit program (owned and operated by a specific LEA school) serving this student.
Industry Certification Providerindustry_certification_providertextName of Agency providing certification.
Industry Certificationindustry_certificationtextName of Industry Certification.