Map of Crime incidents | Last Updated 15 Feb 2019

Tags: crimes, incidents, police reporting, crime info, police reports

This dataset has the following 13 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
ID_KEYid_keytextSystem ID of the record.
CM_IDcm_idtextID used for Crime Mapping program.
CM_AGENCYcm_agencytextCrime Mapping agency ID.
CASE_NUMcase_numtextCase number for the crime.
CM_LEGENDcm_legendtextCrime type.
OFFNS_DESCoffns_desctextDescription of the crime.
BLOCK_ADDblock_addtextArea the crime took place.
CVDATEcvdatecalendar_dateDate of crime.
CVTIMEcvtimenumberTime of crime.
StatusstatustextIndicates whether a location was matched by the geocoding software.
ScorescorenumberThe match score of the geocoding software.
SidesidetextSide of the street the location matched to.
LocationlocationlocationLatitude/longitude of the crime.