Inspections | Last Updated 16 Jan 2024

Tags: inspections

This dataset has the following 29 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescription
inspectioninspectionnumberInspection number.
assigntoassigntotextID of the inspector the inspection is assigned to.
callbycallbytextID of the employee that entered the call.
calldttmcalldttmcalendar_dateCall date/time.
commentscommentstextAdditional information for the inspection.
inspdttminspdttmcalendar_dateInspection date/time.
inspbyinspbytextID of the inspector that performed the inspection.
inspgeninspgentextIndicates if the inspection was generated by the inspector or by the system.
insptypeinsptypetextType of inspection.
locloctextAdditional information for the location.
odomstartodomstartnumberOdometer start.
odomstopodomstopnumberOdometer stop.
partialpartialtextIndicates partial inspection.
preferencepreferencetextUsed to set aside the necessary time need for some inspections.
schedbyschedbytextID of the employee that scheduled the inspection.
scheddttmscheddttmcalendar_dateScheduled date/time.
statusstatustextStatus of the inspection.
tmpltypetmpltypetextInspection template type.
typenotypenonumberNumber of inspections performed of an inspection type.
waivedwaivedtextIndicates whether the inspection was waived.
waiveddtwaiveddtcalendar_dateWaived date/time.
location1location1locationThe property that was inspected.
Case Numbercase_numbertextThe number of the case that the inspection is attached to.
commercialcommercialnumberNumber of commercial units for the property.
ownoccownoccnumberNumber of owner occupied units for the property.
roomsroomsnumberNumber of rooms units for the property.
unitsunitsnumberNumber of apartment units for the property.
apprcvdapprcvdcalendar_dateThe date the CDBG application was received.
letsentletsentcalendar_dateThe date the CDBG letter was sent.