Sonoma County Sheriff's Office Event Data | Last Updated 28 Mar 2024

Event data summarizes Sheriff's dispatch and deputy initiated activities. Events related to the following Penal Codes have been omitted in accordance with the California Public Records Act: 220, 236.1, 243.4, 261, 261.5, 262, 262(a)(1), 264, 264.1, 265, 266, 266(a), 266(b), 266(c), 266(e), 266(f), 266(j), 267, 269, 269(a), 273(a), 273(d), 273.5, 285, 286, 288, 288(a), 288.2, 288.3, 288.5, 288.7, 289, 422.6, 422.7, 422.75, 646.9, 647.6, as well as Welfare and Institutions Code 5150 or Business and Professions Code 729(a) and Stake Out. Additionally canceled events are not reported.

Tags: events, activities, dispatch, calls, stops

This dataset has the following 14 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
agencyagencytextAgency code of responding agency
agency nameagency_nametextFull name of responding agency
date timedate_timecalendar_dateDate and time event was created in the dispatch system.
event numberevent_numtextSequential event number assigned by the dispatch system.
incident numberincident_numtextIncident number if a incident report was written by the responding deputy. This data corresponds to Sonoma County Sheriff's Office Incident data based upon incident number and agency.
nature codenature_codetextNature code for event, abbreviated version of nature description.
nature descriptionnature_descriptiontextNature of the event that was reported to dispatch.
addressaddresstextClosest intersection to the location where the event was reported. Intersections are used to protect victims identities. Blank data in this field indicates that the system could not find the nearest intersection to the location of the event.
beat-zonebeat_zonetextGeographic area where the event occurred, the Sheriff's jurisdiction is currently divided into six zones. Windsor and Sonoma do not use beats/zones. Blanks data in this field indicates the system was unable to identify the zone/beat where the event occurred.
event sourceevent_sourcetextSource from which the event was created either a call to our dispatch center or an event initiated by a deputy during the course of their work.
disposition codedisposition_codetextAbbreviated version of the event disposition. Disposition is not required data for event data so there are occasionally blanks in this field.
dispositiondispositiontextDisposition of the event as determined by the responding deputy or dispatcher. Disposition is not required data for event data so there are occasionally blanks in this field.
locationlocationlocationGeographic location of the reported nearest intersection. Entry of coordinates "(0,0)" indicates that the system was unable to identify the geographic location of the event.
ididnumberSequential unique identifier, primary key.