CPS 2.4 Children In Legal Responsibility On August 31 By Region With Demographics FY2014-2023

data.texas.gov | Last Updated 12 Feb 2024

Children in DFPS custody are those for whom a court has appointed DFPS legal responsibility through temporary or permanent managing conservatorship or other court ordered legal basis. This chart includes any child in DFPS custody on August 31 of the fiscal year. A description of the different types of legal statuses is in the CPS glossary: https://www.dfps.texas.gov/About_DFPS/Data_Book/Child_Protective_Services/Resources/glossary.asp Visit dfps.texas.gov for information on all DFPS programs

Tags: dfps, cps, legal status, conservatorship, cvs, oidb, databook, data book, average days in care, legal responsibility

This dataset has the following 9 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeSample Values
Fiscal Yearfiscal_yeartext
Region Coderegion_codetext
Legal Statuslegal_statustext
Children in DFPS Legal Responsibilitychildren_in_dfps_legal_responsibilitynumber
Average Number of Days in Careaverage_number_of_days_in_carenumber