Special Purpose District Related Parties

data.texas.gov | Last Updated 26 Jun 2020

The Special Purpose District Related Party table includes the special purpose district’s name, Texas taxpayer ID, contact name, board member names and titles, tax assessor, utility operator and third party name of each district. The table also includes the name of who reported for the district including their work title, email address, company name, phone number and physical address.

Tags: special purpose district, spdpid, related parties

This dataset has the following 22 columns:

Column NameAPI Column NameData TypeDescriptionSample Values
SPD Entity IDspd_publ_idnumberUnique ID number for each Special Purpose District.
Report IDspd_ent_rpt_idtextUnique ID number for each report.
Entity Display Nameent_dis_nmtextName of Special Purpose District.
Report Yearrpt_yrtextYear in which the Special Purpose District reported the entity's information.
Affiliate Typerp_ty_cdtextList of affiliates of the district, including entity contact, third party, board member(s), tax assessor and/or utility operator.
Affiliate Reporting Companyrp_cmpy_nmtextCompany name of the third party, tax assessor and/or utility operator.
Affiliate First Namerp_frst_nmtextFirst name of entity contact, third party, board member(s), tax assessor and/or utility operator.
Affiliate Middle Namerp_mid_nmtextMiddle name of entity contact, third party, board member(s), tax assessor and/or utility operator.
Affiliate Last Namerp_lst_nmtextLast name of entity contact, third party, board member(s), tax assessor and/or utility operator.
Affiliate Work Titlerp_titl_txtextWorking professional title of entity contact, third party, board member(s), tax assessor and/or utility operator.
Affiliate Email Addressemail_ad_txtextPrimary email address of entity contact and third party contact.
Websitewbst_url_txtextWebsite that the Special Purpose District maintains.
Affiliate Phone Numberph_nrtextPhone number of the entity contact, third party contact, tax assessor and/or utility operator.
Affiliate Extensionph_extn_nrtextPhone number extension of the entity contact, third party contact, tax assessor and/or utility operator.
County Codecnty_cdnumberCounty code of county or counties in which the entity is located.
Affiliate Type Addressad_ty_cdtextType of affiliate - entity, third party, tax assessor or utility operator.
Affiliate Addressad_str_or_pob_txtextAddress for the entity contact, third party, tax assessor and/or utility operator.
Affiliate Address Line 2ad_addl_line_txtextAdditional address information for the entity contact, third party, tax assessor and/or utility operator.
Affiliate City Namecity_nmtextCity of the entity contact, third party, tax assessor and/or utility operator.
Affiliate State Namest_cdtextState of the entity contact, third party, tax assessor and/or utility operator.
Affiliate Zip Codead_zptextZip code of the entity contact, third party, tax assessor and/or utility operator.
Affiliate Zip Code +4ad_plus_4_zptextZip code plus four digits used by post office for delivery.